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作者(外文):Chang, Kuo-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Interactive Medical Systems
指導教授(外文):Yang, Shun-Ren
口試委員(外文):Lin, Phone
Kao, Jung-Chun
Lien, Wan-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Interactive Medical SystemE-learningTransferal Matching
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  • 評分評分:*****
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在醫院環境中,醫務人員使用文件和桌上型電腦進行溝通。然而,互動效率不高,因為文檔傳送可能會延遲,桌上型電腦不能移動。即使最近在醫療環境中使用智能手機助手變得更受歡迎。大多數醫務人員使用第三方應用程序來協助他們。但是這些應用並不是為醫務人員和醫院所設計。例如,這些應用不支援醫療數位影像傳輸協定(DICOM),醫務人員無法上傳醫學圖像和文件。此外醫療資訊儲存於第三方服務的伺服器是相當危險的。而我們的目標即是開發互動式醫療系統(Interactive Medical System),以增加醫務人員之間的互動與安全性。我們的系統可以讓老師和學生,醫務人員和醫院緊密相互協調,並且保護醫療資訊。此外,它可以改善決策過程和醫療品質。
In hospital environment, medical staff use documents and desktop to communicate. It is inefficient for interaction because document delivery may delay and desktop is not mobility. Even if, using smart phone for assistant has become more popular in medical environment recently. Most of medical staff use the third-party applications to help them. These applications are not designed for medical staff and hospital. For example, they do not support medical file format such as DICOM that medical staff cannot upload medical images and documents. And it is dangerous that all medical information is stored to third-party server. We aim to develop an interactive medical system (IMS) to increase interaction between medical staff and security. Our system can make teacher and student, medical staff and hospitals interact compactly and protect the medical information. Moreover, it can improve decision-making process and quality of care, and could lessen crowdedness at emergency departments.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Contents III
List of Figures IV
List of Tables V
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 System architecture of interactive medical systems 4
Chapter 3 Implementation of IMS Main Modules 7
3.1 Account integration module 7
3.2 Message transmission module. 8
3.3 Imaging protection module 14
3.4 Transferal matching module 15
Chapter 4 Experimental Result 22
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 25
Chapter 6 Appendix A 26
6.1 Rocket.Chat 26
6.2 Framework of the Open-source 27
6.3 Main Modules of User-side 28
6.4 Main Modules of Administrator-side 30
Bibliography 32

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