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作者(外文):Shih, Wei-Yun
論文名稱(外文):Blockchain Based Secure Storage Service for Electronic Voting System
指導教授(外文):Huang, Nen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Shih, Wei-Kuan
Chen, Jiann-Liang
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:426
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:41
  • 收藏收藏:0
自從比特幣蓬勃發展後,以區塊鍊為基礎的應用也隨之成為潮流。區塊鍊不只是提供了更有規模性的運算能力,更被認為是安全可靠的分散式帳本 。
本篇論文主旨為提出基於區塊鍊演算法實作之安全性儲存服務,並以電子投票系統為例呈現。此服務將利用區塊鍊之安全性、正確性及其可驗證性取代傳統儲存空間 (如: MongoDB),並且導入區塊鍊去中心化之概念,解決上述傳統投票系統與現行電子投票系統之疑慮;在此篇論文中,我們更加入訊息認證碼演算法檢查並確認資料在傳輸期間是否遭竄改,透過進階加密標準之密碼區塊鍊節演算法實作EtM機制,強化訊息認證碼的驗證效能,增加訊息來源的可靠度。然而,受限於資料庫程序存取問題,我們重新設計了實驗的架構去檢視我們系統的可靠度與安全性。最後,我們呈現了不同驗證節點的情境,並推論出驗證節點與惡意節點的相依性。
Traditionally, we used to vote with paper ballots which is costly and inefficient because it highly relies on paper and human resources. What's more, there is a lot of possibility of fraud. Electronic Voting advances the accessibility for participants and significantly costs down; however, it is critically challenged that it should be based on the fair third party.
Since Bitcoin network has become as the most powerful distributed computing network, the numbers of implementation based on Blockchain grow rapidly. Blockchain not only provides scalable computing but also seems as a secure transaction database.
In this thesis, we propose a storage service based on Blockchain algorithm. We take three properties of Blockchain: security, accuracy, and verifiability to replace traditional storage (e.g. MongoDB) and clarify the concern mentioned above. Also, we check if the data tampered during the transmit procedure with HMAC (Message Authenticate Check). Differ from the normal MAC mechanism, we implement EtM by AES-CTR to strengthen the difficulty of verification. Confined to single process accessing of database, we design a new experiment to examine the reliability of our system. We show performance with different numbers of validation nodes separately. Consequently, we conclude a pattern between validation and malicious nodes.
Abstract I
中文摘要 II
Acknowledgments III
Table of Contents IV
List of Tables VI
List of Figures VII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 5
2.1 Electronic Voting System 5
2.1.1 Analysis and Evaluate of Electronic Voting Systems 5
2.1.2 An Electronic Voting System Based on Blockchain 7
2.2 Blockchain 8
2.2.1 Types of Blockchain 8
2.2.2 Blockchain as Database 11
2.3 Docker 12
2.3.1 Overview 12
2.3.2 Dockers is to Blockchain 14
2.4 RocksDB 14
2.4.1 Overview 14
2.4.2 RocksDB vs. LevelDB 17
2.4.3 RocksDB is to Us 18
Chapter 3 System Architecture 20
3.1 Request Accepter 21
3.1.1 Overview 21
3.1.2 Event API 21
3.1.3 Poll API 22
3.1.4 Query API 22
3.1.5 Tracking API 23
3.1.6 Https 23
3.2 Data Resolution 24
3.2.1 Overview 24
3.2.2 Validation Peer 24
3.2.3 Chaincode 26
3.2.4 EtM 26
3.3 Summary 28
Chapter 4 Simulation Environment 29
4.1 Request Accepter Server 29
4.1.1 Overview 29
4.1.2 Environment Setting 29
4.2 Data Resolution Server 29
4.2.1 Overview 29
4.2.2 Deploy Hyperledger Fabric Project 29
Chapter 5 Experimental Result 32
5.1 Security Experiments 32
5.1.1 Overview 32
5.1.2 Design of Experiments 32
5.1.3 Result of Experiments 34
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 38
Bibliography 41

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