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作者(中文):鄭 謙
作者(外文):Jeng, Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Active Learning Using Dual Association Networks and Matrix Factorization
指導教授(外文):Soo, Von-Wun
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chaur-Chin
Chen, Yi-Shin
外文關鍵詞:Active LearningAssociation LearningAssociation NetworkNon-negative Matrix Factorization
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:198
  • 評分評分:*****
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實驗數據顯示,修改過的方法在關聯性學習上相對於原先的模型,相同召回率下,準確率有2% 的進步。主動式學習能再將這個差距擴大。在測試的四種主動式學習策略:隨機(無主動式學習,作為對照組)、衝突、不確定性及複合(衝突與不確定性共同考慮)當中,我們發現提出的三種策略表現都比對照組好,複合式的策略在兩個領域中的準確度更能達到比隨機策略高出一倍的成長。
Artificial intelligence has come a long way, but how close are we actually to creating a machine that “thinks” like a human, acts like a human? Common sense reasoning is one of the large obstacles that prevent this from happening: it is difficult for the computer to establish similar associations that the human mind intuitively and implicitly connects. Association learning establishes a model that simulates the acquisition of association from examples, which is often believed to be one of the fundamental abilities for humans to possess common sense. However, “labelled” association data is still scarce, and it usually has to be labelled manually, making it very costly. Our research aims are to look into the active learning in the common sense association reasoning that poses issues on how to limit data needed to train an association network model effectively.
We propose a dual network with positive and negative associations, based on a bipartite NMF association model. In this model, we extend the previously all-positive network model to include a negative network, which makes it possible to distinguish between an unknown association pair and a pair that is verified to have no association. This is crucial to an effective active learning, since it allows to extract more data out of the answers provided by consulting an oracle.
We show that the extended model creates 2% improvement over the previous bipartite model before applying active learning, using the same evaluation methods as the previous model. This improvement can be further bolstered using active learning. We tested 4 selection strategies for active learning, including random (as baseline), conflict, uncertainty, and hybrid, and found that either of the three proposed active learning strategies scored a better precision increase than the baseline, with the hybrid one achieving up to twice the improvement in precision compared to random selection.
摘要 -I
Abstract -II
Table of Contents -III
List of Figures -V
List of Tables -VI
1 Introduction -1
2 Methodology -4
2.1 Framework -4
2.2 Objectives -5
2.2.1 Association Learning Objectives -5
2.2.2 Active Learning Objectives -7
2.3 Methods -8
2.3.1 Association Learning Methods -8
2.3.2 Active Learning Methods -9
3 Experiments -15
3.1 Data Set -15
3.2 Association Learning Experiments -17
3.2.1 θ Value -17
3.2.2 Evaluation against previous method -18
3.3 Active Learning Experiments -19
3.3.1 Selection Strategy -19
3.3.2 Sampling Size -22
3.4 Goal-Action Domain -24
4 Discussion, Conclusion & Future work -26
4.1 Discussion -26
4.2 Conclusion -27
4.3 Future Work -28
References -29
Appendix A Example of positive goal-action predictions-a
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11. ConceptNet, http://conceptnet.io/
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