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作者(外文):Yu, Jia-Hong
論文名稱(外文):Practical Inverted Index Based on Elias-Fano Encoding: A Case Study of Versioned Documents
指導教授(外文):Hon, Wing-Kai
口試委員(外文):Lee, Che-Rung
Lu, Chin-Lung
  • 推薦推薦:1
  • 點閱點閱:363
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:25
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反向索引是一種重要而且也是最常使用在文件檢索上的一種技術。然而,現今文件的容量越來越大,對於要做出不同種有用的關鍵字查詢功能,例如,關鍵字出現在哪些文件裡,文件對於這個關鍵字來說的重要程度為何,關鍵字在文件中出現的位置等等,傳統的反向索引將會消耗很大的空間成本。舉例來說,在實務上,只是針對大約300MB的文件資料,我們要用傳統的反向索引,去做關鍵字在文件中出現位置的查詢,在不犧牲查詢時間的情況下,就要消耗大約1.5GB的硬碟空間去儲存它的索引。為了解決這個實務上的問題,我們研究了許多資料壓縮或是索引壓縮的方法。在這篇論文,我們實作出一個在實際空間消耗表現較佳的索引架構,這個架構是基於在現有方法 - Partitioned Elias-Fano 編碼法之上。我們用版本文件資料集 - 維基百科,在實務上去評量我們架構的效能,發現它只消耗了大約150MB的硬碟空間去儲存它的索引,就可以達成大約300MB的資料做出不同功能的查詢。針對這個架構上的查詢方法,我們也提出了兩種不同策略,並且做實驗去深入討論這兩種策略的優劣性與它們分別適合用的情況。
Inverted Index is an important and well-known method for document retrieval. However, as the volume of documents is growing very quickly nowadays, we have to pay
much cost for the basic inverted index to achieve common useful functions like document listing, time-travel, top $k$, and the occurrence reporting of phrase queries.
For example, for supporting the occurrence reporting query, we need around 1.5 GB index space to store the index in the disk just for around 300 MB data.
To solve this space problem, many index compression techniques have been studied.
In this thesis, we propose a practical index framework on good space performance with inverted index based on the recently proposed partitioned Elias-Fano encoding,
and conduct experiments on real data sets. Our index can support the query functions correctly with only around 150 MB index space for 300 MB input real data.
We develop two different methods to query our index, and from the results of our experiments, we discuss what kind of data is more suited for each of these two methods.
1. Introduction 2
1.1 Document Retrieval on Versioned Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Organization ................................... 4
2. Preliminaries 5
2.1 N-gram ...................................... 5
2.2 InvertedIndex................................... 6
2.3 Elias-FanoEncoding ............................... 8
2.4 PartitionedElias-FanoEncoding......................... 9
3. Practical Framework 11
3.1 ProblemDefinition ................................ 11
3.2 PropertiesonVersionedDocuments....................... 12
3.3 InvertedIndexBasedonElias-FanoEncoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3.1 DataPreprocessing............................ 13
3.3.2 ProducingDemandedInvertedLists................... 15
3.3.3 ProducingContextLists ......................... 16
3.3.4 Indexing.................................. 16
3.3.5 QueryMethod .............................. 17
4. Experiments 19
4.1 IndexCompressionPerformance......................... 20
4.2 QueryPerformance................................ 22
4.3 ChoiceBetweenTheTwoAlgorithms...................... 26
4.4 MoreDiscussionAboutCompressionPerformance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5. Conclusion and Future Work 29
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