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作者(外文):Chuang, Chi-Chun
論文名稱(外文):A Self-Improving GAN for Decoding Variational RNNs
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shan-Hung
口試委員(外文):Lee, Yuh-Jye
Chen, Hwann-Tzong
Sun, Min
Shuai, Hong-Han
外文關鍵詞:Machine LearningArtificial IntelligenceNeural NetworksGenerative Adversarial Networks
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:447
  • 評分評分:*****
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1. 我們的研究是第一個能夠讓遞歸神經網路可以生成出高品質且多樣化的序列
2. 我們提出一種新的方法來衡量序列的品質與多樣性
3. 我們在生成對抗網路的領域上開起了一條新的研究方向,讓大家可以去思考如何在對應的任務中,在生成端加入合作的概念來增進模型的表現
Current RNN decoding methods usually focus on how to generate high quality sequences, but they ignore the importance of variety on the collection of outputs. Our work introduces a new model architecture to let RNN generate high quality and variety sequences. We extend the Generative Adversarial Networks and propose Strong-Weak Collaborative GAN. We separate the generator into two part, strong and weak, to cooperatively generate a sequence to cheat discriminator. To further improve our model, we make our model to improve itself, namely Self-improving Collaborative GAN (SIC-GAN). SIC-GAN can generate not only high quality and variety sequences, but also to produce “creative” outputs. Experimental result shows that our model can generate higher quality and more diverse results than all the baseline.
致謝 2
摘要 3
Abstract 4
1. Introduction 6
2. Related Work 8
3. Main Idea: Strong-Weak Collaborative GAN 9
3.1 Generative Adversarial Networks 9
3.2 Strong-Weak Collaborative GAN 9
4. SICGAN: Self-Improving Collaborative GAN 11
4.1 Inspiration: AlphaGo 11
4.2 Modification 11
5. Experiment 13
5.1 Dataset 13
5.2 Training Details 13
5.3 Baseline 14
5.4 Evaluation 14
6. Conclusion & Future Work 18
Reference 19

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