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作者(外文):Li, Che-Chuan
論文名稱(外文):Realization of Application Identification System Based on Machine Learning and DNS Responses
指導教授(外文):Huang, Nen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Shih, Wei-Kuan
Chen, Jiann-Liang
外文關鍵詞:flow classificationmachine learningDNSSDN
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  • 評分評分:*****
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近年來,針對特定應用程式的進行頻寬管理的需求逐漸成長。為了有效地針對特定應用程式進行頻寬管理,一個能夠分類流量至應用程式層級的流量辨識系統是必須的。然而,大多數的研究只能將流量分類為通訊協定或是粗略的類別。有些研究能夠將流量分類為應用程式,但拿來測試的資料集中的應用程式數量少於50個。有些研究能夠將流量分類為應用程式名稱,且測試的資料集中的應用程式數量多於100個,但是這些研究無法皆能夠產生手機應用程式與電腦桌面應用程式的訓練資料。對於一個應用程式,如果沒有其訓練資料,那麼要能夠正確的辨識其流量為其應用程式名稱是很困難的。在我們過去的研究成果中,我們能夠產生Windows桌面應用程式、Android原生手機應用程式與網站的訓練資料。最近,我們設計一套方法與撰寫程式讓系統能夠產生Mac OS X桌面應用程式與iOS原生手機應用程式的訓練資料。此外,我們設計一套方法,連結流量辨識系統擷取到的域名系統回覆中的IP位址與從作業系統取得的應用程式名稱,並只使用只連結一個應用程式名稱的IP位址來提升辨識準確率。在我們的實驗中,實驗測試的資料集有294個應用程式,此數量計算方式為將一應用程式於一平台實作的版本或一執行檔視為一個應用程式。因為有些應用程式在不同的作業系統上有不同的名稱,所以我們將指向相同應用程式的不同名稱,映射為相同的名稱。映射後,共有152個應用程式,包含Skype、Facebook與其他應用程式。所有應用程式的平均F值可達93.49%,證明此系統能精準地辨識應用程式的流量。
In recent years, the demand for application-specific quality of service (QoS) management has grown. To effectively do application-specific QoS, a system able to do flow classification at the application level is required. However, most researches can only classify flows as protocols or rough categories. Some researches can classify flows as application names, but there were fewer than 50 applications in their testing data sets. Several researches based on machine learning can classify flows as applications, and there were more than 100 applications in their testing data sets, but they cannot generate training data sets of both native mobile applications and computer desktop applications. Without a training data set of an application, it is hard to correctly identify its flow as its application name. In our previous work, we can generate reliable training data sets of desktop applications on Windows, native mobile applications on Android, and website applications. Recently, we designed the method and implemented programs to be able to generate reliable training data sets of desktop applications on Mac OS X and native mobile applications on iOS. Besides, we designed a method to link IP addresses in DNS responses captured by the flow classification system to application names obtained from operating systems (OSs). We use IP addresses which have been linked to one application name to improve classification accuracy. In our experiment, the testing data set contained 294 applications, given that each platform version or execution file of an application was one application. Because some applications had different names on different OSs, we mapped those names indicating same application into one name. After name mapping, there were 152 applications, including Skype, Facebook, and other applications. Average F-measure of all applications reached 93.49%, showing that this system can identify traffic of applications with high accuracy.
Abstract I
中文摘要 II
Figure List V
Table List VI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Works 4
2.1 Overview 4
2.2 Port-based Methods 4
2.3 DPI Methods 4
2.4 Machine Learning Methods 5
2.5 DNS-based Methods 7
2.6 Hybrid Methods 7
Chapter 3 System Core Design 10
3.1 Desired Type of Classification Results of Flows 10
3.2 Overall Procedure of Application Identification 10
3.3 Machine Learning 13
3.3.1 Training and Classifying Phases 13
3.3.2 Adopted Machine Learning Algorithms 13
3.3.3 Adopted Flow Attributes 14
3.4 DNS 18
3.4.1 Classification Based on Application in Server 18
3.4.2 Classification Based on Application in Client 21
3.4.3 Comparison 23
Chapter 4 System Implementation 24
4.1 Architecture of Application Identification System 24
4.2 Programs in Procedure of Supervised ML 25
4.3 Programs to Get Labels of Flows 26
4.4 Implementation of the Method Based on Inspection of DNS Responses 27
4.5 Online Training and Real Time Classifying 27
4.6 Offline Training and Classifying 28
4.7 Suitable for Integration with QoS Management Systems in SDNs 29
Chapter 5 Experiment 30
5.1 Testing Data Set 30
5.2 Mapping of Category Names 31
5.3 Performance Analysis 32
5.4 Accuracy Matrices 34
5.5 Accuracy Analysis 34
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Works 40
References 42
Appendix A Table of Name Mappings of Categories 46
Appendix B Table of F-Measure of Categories 55
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