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作者(外文):Huang, Yu-Hao
論文名稱(外文):Conversation-based P2P botnet detection with machine learning
指導教授(外文):Sun, Hung-Min
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Fu-Hau
Huang, Yu-Lun
外文關鍵詞:BotnetP2Pmachine learningconversation-basedcommand & control
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Botnets are one of most dangerous threats through the Internet. A botnet is a collection of compromised computers called bots and controlled by their botmaster. Through the command and control (C&C) channel, botnet can be used to perform Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDOS attack), steal sensitive data, send spam, etc. So detecting botnets has become an important issue. Advanced botnets adopt a peer-to-peer (P2P) infrastructure for more resilient command and control (C&C). Traditional detection techniques become less effective in identifying bots that communicate via a P2P structure. Thus, we propose some features relevant with P2P botnets. Extraction of features in either host or network level to model a botnet has been one of the most popular methods in botnet detection. In this paper, we present a system to detect P2P botnets based on conversations with these extracted features. Then, we can differentiate P2P botnet conversations from normal conversations with machine learning techniques. Our evaluation shows that our system is able to achieve high detection rates with few false positives.
Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
Chapter 2 3
Background Information 3
2.1 Life cycle of botnet 3
2.1.1 Spread 3
2.1.2 Secondary injection 3
2.1.3 Command & Control (C&C) 4
2.1.4 Attack 4
2.1.5 Update & Maintenance 4
2.2 Classification of botnets 5
2.2.1 Centralized botnets 5
2.2.2 P2P botnets 7
2.2.3 Hybrid botnets 8
2.3 Botnets detection approaches 9
2.3.1 Signature-based detection approach 9
2.3.2 Behavior-based detection approach 9
2.3.3 Honeypot-based detection approach 10
2.3.4 Host-based detection approach 10
2.3.5 Hybrid detection approach 11
2.4 Machine learning 12
2.4.1 Supervised learning 12
2.4.2 Unsupervised learning 12
2.4.3 Semi-supervised learning: 13
Chapter 3 14
Proposed Approach 14
3.1 Packets Tracing 14
3.2 Add Packets into a Conversation/Verify Packets in a Conversation or not 14
3.3 Feature Extraction and Data Pre-processing: Labeling 15
3.4 Feature Selection 16
3.5 Put Data into weka 17
Chapter 4 18
Experiments and Results 18
Chapter 5 31
Conclusion 31
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