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作者(外文):Lin, Hung-Chien
論文名稱(外文):Joint Channel Allocation and Power Control for Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Downlink Cellular Networks: Clique-Based Approaches
指導教授(外文):Kao, Jung-Chun
口試委員(外文):Yang, Shun-Ren
Chao, Hsi-Lu
外文關鍵詞:D2D communicationsresource allocation
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  • 點閱點閱:329
  • 評分評分:*****
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第五代行動通信系統 (5-th Generation Mobile Networks) 要求行動網路必須支援較高的同時服務的裝置數量、較高的網路傳輸速率、以及較高的頻譜效率。因此,Device-to-Device (D2D) 通訊技術是近年來眾所矚目的研究議題之一,而D2D通訊技術也被認為是能夠達成第五代行動通信系統要求的重要技術。
在D2D通訊網路環境中,兩個D2D裝置 (D2D User) 在相距夠近的情況下就能夠直接進行溝通。這樣的好處在於訊息不需要經過基地台幫忙轉傳,也能降低基地台傳送時的負擔。D2D裝置在傳送訊息時,通常是利用已經授權過且已經分配給某個傳統通訊裝置 (Cellular User) 的頻譜資源。傳統通訊裝置和D2D裝置能夠同時使用同一個頻譜資源,可以有效增加頻譜的使用率。雖然在同一個蜂巢 (Cell) 下的頻譜數量是有限的,不過重複利用頻譜資源也可以增加同時服務的裝置數量。
我們的環境設定裡允許一個頻譜資源能共享給多個D2D裝置來一同使用,而每個D2D裝置只能使用一個頻譜資源,來避免使用者之間造成過大的干擾而發生不滿足服務品質 (Quality-of-Service) 的情況。我們的目標是盡可能地在保證所有使用裝置的服務品質下讓愈多的D2D裝置都有頻譜資源可以使用,來增加頻譜資源的使用率並提升網路傳輸速率。在這些限制下,原始問題是一個在非多項式 (NP) 時間內可解的難題,於是我們使用分團 (Clique) 方法找到彼此干擾較小的D2D裝置來使用同一個頻譜資源,並控制傳輸的功率來讓更多D2D裝置能一同使用。
Device-to-device (D2D) communication underlying cellular networks has been proven to increase system throughput and to achieve higher spectral efficiency in future fifth generation wireless networks. However, resource sharing under D2D communications may cause serious mutual interferences among DUE pairs and cellular users. In this thesis, we formulate the downlink resource allocation problem and propose joint channel and power allocation algorithms to manage the resource and achieve a maximum sum rate.
Using the maximum clique and the minimum clique cover method respectively in the proposed channel allocation algorithms, we make as many DUE pairs reusing the channel pre-allocated to cellular users as possible. After the channel is assigned to DUE pairs, we determine the transmitted power for both the base station and the transmitters of DUE pairs according to the feasible power region. Meanwhile, the signal-to-interference-plus-noise requirements for both cellular users and DUE pairs are guaranteed.
Simulation results show that our proposed algorithms not only is superior in terms of the number of serving DUE pairs, but also maintain the higher system sum rate, than the compared method.
Abstract i
中文摘要 ii
Content iii
List of Figures iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 4
Chapter 3 System Model and Problem Formulation 7
3.1 System Model 7
3.2 Problem Formulation 9
Chapter 4 Resource Allocation Algorithm 12
4.1 Distance-based Maximum Clique Allocation Algorithm 13
4.2 QoS-based Maximum Clique Allocation Algorithm 18
4.3 Distance-SLA Maximum Clique Allocation Algorithm 22
4.4 Distance-based Minimum Clique Cover Allocation Algorithm 28
4.5 QoS-based Minimum Clique Cover Allocation Algorithm 36
4.6 Distance-SLA Minimum Clique Cover Allocation Algorithm 40
4.7 Power Allocation Algorithm 44
Chapter 5 Simulation Results 47
5.1 Compared Algorithm: Graph-Coloring Resource Allocation 47
5.2 Simulation Setting 49
5.3 Simulation Results 50
Chapter 6 Conclusion 58
Reference 59
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