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作者(外文):Cheng, Yu-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Development of Testing Item Analysis and Misconception Diagnostic System Integrated with Knowledge Map in MOOCs
指導教授(外文):Huang, Nen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Shih, Wei-Kuan
Chen, Jiann-Liang
外文關鍵詞:MOOCslearning analyticsmisconceptionItem AnalysisKnowledge MapItem Response Theory
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  • 評分評分:*****
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近年來大規模開放式線上課程(MOOCs) 提供學習者只要網路,沒有時空限製
我們的系統是基於學生的答題紀錄進行測驗題目分析(Test Item Analysis) 而
With the popularities of Massive Open Online Courses, a great number of enrollments
in MOOCs generate much educational big data in terms of online activities
and logs, which might be valuable for academia and practitioners. More personalized
and intelligent online learning environment could be potentially created
through educational data mining and learning analytics techniques. Based on Item
Response Theory (IRT), the current study builds an item analysis system to identify
alternative concepts (or misconceptions) from leaners’ response in exams. By
calculating difficulty parameter and discrimination parameter from massive learners,
our systems are believed to benefit both teaching faculties and online learners.
With the affordances of the system, teaching faculties could assess leaners’ learning
performance and quality of test items while alternative conception of leaners
would be identified for strategic learning. Beside, this system is combined with
Knowledge Map, a proper way to present the result of misconceptions weekly.
Other practical and technical implications will be discussed in this paper.
Keywords -Computer-Assisted Assessment, Item Response Theory, MOOC (Massive
Open Online Course), learning analytics, misconception, alternative conception,
Item Analysis, Learning Analytics Cycle, Knowledge Map.
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Works 5
2.1 MOOCs 5
2.1.1 Overview 5
2.1.2 cMOOCs v.s. xMOOCs 5
2.1.3 edX 6
2.1.4 Open edX 7
2.1.5 Xuetangx 9
2.1.6 UOOC 11
2.1.7 ShareCourse 14
2.2 Learning Analysis 14
2.2.1 Testing Analysis on MOOCs 15
Chapter 3 System Architecture 17
3.1 MOOCs platform 18
3.1.1 Knowledge Map 19
3.2 Datacenter 20
3.2.1 Activity Record Schema 21
3.2.2 API Server 22
3.2.3 Analyzer 23
3.2.4 Database 23
3.2.5 Misconception Diagnosis Module 23
Chapter 4 System Implementation 25
4.1 Data Service Server Environment 25
4.1.1 Node.js 25
4.1.2 MongoDB 26
4.1.3 Google Cloud Platform 26
4.1.4 Ruby 26
4.2 Server Setup 26
4.3 Algorithm 27
4.3.1 Test Item Analysis 27
4.3.2 Alternative conception 29
4.4 Data Service API 31
4.4.1 API’s Collects User Activity Records 31
4.4.2 API’s Usage of Analysis 33
4.5 User Interface 34
4.5.1 UI techniques 34 D3-cloud.js 34 Bootstrap 34 jQuery 34
4.5.2 System Viewing 35 Chart Report 35 Item pool with Test Item Index 36 Exercise and Exam with Test Item Index 36 Misconception on Knowledge Map 38
Chapter 5 Experiment 40
5.1 Records 40
5.2 Course status 40
5.3 Index Improvement 41
5.4 learning intervention 43
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 45
Bibliography 47
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