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作者(外文):Hsu, Ya-Ling
論文名稱(外文):Toward Automatic Pain-Level Detection for Emergency Patients using Fusion of CNN and LSTM Multimodal Audio-Video Features
指導教授(外文):Lee, Chi-Chun
口試委員(外文):Lee, Hung-Yi
Tsao, Yu
Lai, Ying-Hui
外文關鍵詞:TriagePain recognitionBehavior signal processingMultimodal fusionConvolution neural networkLong short-term memory
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在現今醫療體系中,急診常常被認為是最有時效性的就醫途徑,然而為了能妥善的分配醫療資源,台灣急診醫學會和中華民國急重症護理學會參照加拿大檢傷分類系統架構制訂了台灣急診檢傷與急迫度分級量表(Taiwan Triage and Acuity Scale, TTAS),其規範了台灣醫療檢傷系統的分類標準,而此系統在評估急診病患疾病的嚴重程度方面發揮了重要的功用。TTAS使用數字評分量表(Numerical Rating Scale, NRS)來評量病患自述疼痛程度作為其中主要調節檢傷的因子之一,然而對於無法清楚表達疼痛的病患,檢傷護士或其病患家屬將依照其個人主觀自行判斷,而這些因素將造成檢傷分類系統一致性及有效性的偏差。本論文與林口長庚醫院急診醫師合作,藉由提取病患臉部表情及聲音特徵的多模態行為訊號,人們在表達內在感受時,會經由外在的行為表現出來,而我們對這些外顯行為分別利用迴旋積類神經網路(Convolution Neural Network)和長短期記憶網路(Long Short-Term Memory)演算法的機器學習模型來進行建模,以達到自動化評估病患疼痛程度。由實驗結果顯示在二類及三類辨識疼痛程度的結果中,分別達到了77.1%和55.7%的準確率,而在實驗分析中我們也發現病患臉部表情和聲音特徵與其疼痛程度有顯著關係。透過本論文的實驗結果均呈現經由量化、分析病患外顯行為來達到自動化疼痛程度評估是相當有可行性的。
Nowadays, emergency department are often considered as the most efficient ways to seek medical care. However, to allocate the healthcare resource effectively, triage classification system plays an important role in assessing the severity of illness of the boarding patient at emergency department. There are some factors listed in Taiwan triage and acuity scale (TTAS) about triage classification system. And the self-report pain intensity numerical-rating scale (NRS) is one of the major modifiers of the current triage system based on the TTAS. In clinical practice, physicians and nurses have noticed the difficulty in the systematic implementation of this instrument especially for elderly people, foreigners, or patients with a low education level. This often leads to the triage nurses would select the level through his/her own observations instead of soliciting an answer from the patient. These ways would create a deviation on the consistency and validity of the triage classification system. In this paper, we have cooperation with emergency physicians in Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. We extract the multimodal behavioral signal of facial expression and vocal characteristics from patients, and model these behaviors by using machine learning models of CNN and LSTM respectively. The experimental results show that the accuracy of 77.1% and 55.7%, respectively, in the two and three classes of pain recognition. Further, in the experimental analysis, we also found that it had significant relationship with facial expression and vocal characteristics of patients.
Chapter 1 序論 1
Chapter 2 資料庫 5
2.1 急診資料蒐集 5
2.2 分析資料 7
Chapter 3 研究方法 8
3.1 短時高密度特徵擷取 8
3.1.1 影像特徵擷取 8
3.1.2 語音訊號特徵擷取 11
3.1.3 語音活性檢測(Voice Activity Detection, VAD) 11
3.1.4 語者辨識(Speaker recognition) 13
3.2 類神經網路 15
3.2.1 迴旋積類神經網路(Convolution Neural Network) 16
3.2.2 長短期記憶(Long Short-Term Memory) 19
3.3 段落層級整合編碼(Session-level encodings) 22
3.3.1 統計值編碼 22
3.3.2 費雪向量編碼 23
Chapter 4 實驗設計與結果 26
4.1 實驗一:影像特徵分類結果 27
4.2 實驗二:語音特徵及多模態融合分類結果 29
4.3 實驗三:特徵與疼痛之間的關連性分析 33
Chapter 5 結論與未來發展 37
參考文獻 39
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1. 異質性資料在人類行為其信息交互過程之探討:疼痛程度評估和多媒體暴力檢測
2. 透過表演逐字稿之互動特徵以改善中文戲劇表演資料庫情緒辨識系統
3. 透過語音特徵建構基於堆疊稀疏自編碼器演算法之婚姻治療中夫妻互動行為量表自動化評分系統
4. 基於健保資料預測中風之研究並以Hadoop作為一種快速擷取特徵工具
5. 一個利用人類Thin-Slice情緒感知特性所建構而成之全時情緒辨識模型新框架
6. 應用多任務與多模態融合技術於候用校長演講自動評分系統之建構
7. 基於多模態主動式學習法進行樣本與標記之間的關係分析於候用校長評鑑之自動化評分系統建置
8. 透過結合fMRI大腦血氧濃度相依訊號以改善語音情緒辨識系統
9. 結合fMRI之迴旋積類神經網路多層次特徵 用以改善語音情緒辨識系統
10. 針對實體化交談介面開發基於行為衡量方法於自閉症小孩之評估系統
11. 一個多模態連續情緒辨識系統與其應用於全域情感辨識之研究
12. 整合文本多層次表達與嵌入演講屬性之表徵學習於強健候用校長演講自動化評分系統
13. 利用聯合因素分析研究大腦磁振神經影像之時間效應以改善情緒辨識系統
14. 利用LSTM演算法基於自閉症診斷觀察量表訪談建置辨識自閉症小孩之評估系統
15. 以雙向長短期記憶網路架構混和多時間粒度文字模態改善婚 姻治療自動化行為評分系統
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