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作者(外文):Yeh, Chin-Hsun
論文名稱(外文):Fuzzy Non-cooperative Game for Nonlinear Stochastic Jump Diffusion Systems
指導教授(外文):Chen, Bor-Sen
外文關鍵詞:nonlinear stochastic systemnon-cooperative differential gameHalmition Jacobi inequalitiesmulti-objective optimization problemTakagi-Sugeno fuzzy modelmulti-objective optimal controller
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在本文中,我們考慮一個多輸入者非線性隨機跳躍擴散系統。假設每個輸入者被視為一個玩家,這個多輸入者非線性隨機跳躍擴散系統可以被看作是一個不互相交換訊息的非合作差分賽局。將隨機多玩家非合作賽局策略問題轉化為特徵值多元Halmition Jacobi不等式(HJIs) 約束下的多目標優化問題。為了方便設計,我們使用Takagi - Sugeno(T-S) 模糊模型來逼近這個非線性系統。因此HJI約束下的多目標優化問題可以轉化為線性矩陣不等式(LMIs)約束下的多目標優化問題。另一方面,為了有效解決非線性隨機跳躍擴散系統中的多玩家非合作博弈策略,還開發了LMIs約束下的多目標進化演算法(MOEA)。採用MOEA來優化所有參與者的目標,並提出多目標最優控制器的設計過程。之後,我們可以獲得非合作的策略,可以有效地為每個玩家實現最好的目標,而犧牲其他目標。最後,為了說明所提出的多目標最優控制設計程序的有效性,提供了金融市場的模擬。
In this paper, we consider a multi-agents nonlinear stochastic jump diffusion system. Assuming that each agent is treated as one player, this multi-agents nonlinear stochastic jump diffusion system can be treated as a non-cooperative differential game without intercommunication with each other. The stochastic multi-player non-cooperative game strategy problem is transformed to eigenvalues multi-tuple Hamilton Jacobi inequalities (HJIs)-constrained multi-objective optimization problem (MOP). For convenience designed, we use Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model to approximate this nonlinear system. So that the HJIs-constrained MOP could be transformed into a linear matrix inequalities (LMIs)-constrained MOP problem. On the other hand, an LMIs-constrained multi-objective evolution algorithm (MOEA) is also developed to efficiently solve the multi-player non-cooperative game strategy in nonlinear stochastic jump diffusion system. The MOEA is employed to optimize the goals of all players and we propose the design procedure of a multi-objective (MO) optimal controller. After that, we can obtain non-cooperative strategies which can effectively achieve the best solution for each player at less sacrifice of the other goals. Finally, a simulation of a financial market is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed MO optimal control design procedure.
摘要 i

Abstract ii

誌謝 iii

Contents iv

I. Introduction 1

II. Problem Formulation 2

III. Non-cooperative H∞ Game of Multi-agents Nonlinear Stochastic Control Design 3

IV. Non-cooperative H∞ game of Multi-agents Nonlinear Stochastic Control Design for Fuzzy System 8

V. Simulation Results 14

VI. Conclusion 17

References 19

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