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作者(外文):Jiang, Zheng-Xun
論文名稱(外文):A Double-Linked Blockchain Approach Based on Proof-of-Refundable-Tax Consensus Algorithm
指導教授(外文):Tsay, Ren-Song
口試委員(外文):Wu, Cheng-Wen
Chen, Yi-Shin
外文關鍵詞:double-linked data structureproof-of-refundable-taxMerkle Patricia Triesblockchain
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在本篇論文中,我們提出一個雙向鏈結(double-linked)的區塊鏈架構,此架構能夠改善區塊鏈的效能以及確保區塊的不分叉、保持一致的鏈結。另外,在提出基於可退之稅證明(proof-of-refundable-tax)的共識演算法,使我們的研究可以建構出可靠度、效能、公平性及穩定性都很高的區塊鏈運行流程。可退之稅證明採用可驗證隨機函數(verifiable random function)去取代傳統挖礦方式,可驗證隨機函數的概率與個別參與者累計的可退之稅成正比關係,會影響到未來選上區塊鏈維護者的機率。每個人可退之稅的累計多寡可以作為個別參與者活躍的程度而被記錄,因此可退之稅可以有效防範人頭攻擊(Sybil attacks)的發生。此外,區塊鏈的完成獎勵會從每個維護者累計的可退之稅中扣除,這使我們的區塊鏈系統保持穩定的財富分配且避免“富者越富”的問題。我們已經對提出來的架構及共識演算法進行了測試,結果非常有希望實現。
In this paper we propose a double-linked blockchain data structure that greatly improves blockchain performance and guarantees single chain with no forks. Additionally, with the proposed proof-of-refundable-tax (PoRT) consensus algorithm, our approach can construct highly reliable, efficient, fair and stable blockchain operations. The PoRT algorithm adopts a verifiable random function instead of mining to select future block maintainers with the probability proportional to each participant’s personal refundable tax. The individual refundable tax serves as an index of the activeness of participation and hence PoRT can effectively prevent Sybil attacks. Also, with the block-completion reward deducted from each maintainer’s refundable tax, our blockchain system maintains a stable wealth distribution and avoids the “rich become richer” problem. We have implemented the approach and tested with very promising results.
I. Introduction 5
II. Related work 11
III. The PoRT Consensus Algorithm and The Double-Linked Data Structure 17
Proof-of-refundable-tax Scheme 17
Double-Linked Data Structure 19
The Jump-step-validation Anti-collusion Approach 21
Redundant Creators 22
Penalty of Frauds 23
IV. Double-Linked and PoRT Consensus Algorithm Design 24
Data Structure 24
Consensus Algorithm 26
Refund Mechanism 32
Blacklist 33
V. Discussion 34
VI. Conclusion 35
VII. References 37
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