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作者(外文):Wang, Ji-Min
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation and Design of a Highly Reliable and Low-Cost Symbiotic Traffic Light Control System
指導教授(外文):Wu, Cheng-Wen
口試委員(外文):Lee, Kuen-Jong
Shieh, Ming-Der
Huang, Chih-Tsun
外文關鍵詞:bulit-in self-test (BIST)bulit-in self-repair (BISR)symbiotic systemreliabilityon-line testingtraffic light controller
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  • 點閱點閱:416
  • 評分評分:*****
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Internet of Things (IOT) has been a hot research topic in academia in the past decade. Industry has had great expectation on it, likewise. There are many anticipated new IOT services widely discussed, e.g., autonomous vehicles and drones, virtual assistants, intelligent worksites, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent logistics, intelligent retail services, intelligent healthcare, intelligent wearables, smart city, etc. However, few people have yet to realize that the growth of IOT devices and services is restricted by the limited global energy supply and economy scale. Under the premise that GDP and energy consumption do not increase dramatically in the future, the IOT devices will not have the opportunity to reach the expected orders-of-magnitude growth in a few years, unless we can greatly reduce the total cost and energy consumption of the IOT systems and services.
Because product lifetime and overall cost is related to its reliability, we have worked on the design of reliable IOT systems by using the symbiotic system (SS) model, with the traffic light controller as an example. In the SS model, the repair mechanism can be the self-repair mechanism, the peer-repair mechanism, or both. The peer-repair mechanism allows the devices to be repaired by their neighboring devices, called peers. Again, without loss of generality, in this work we focus on applying the SS model to a traffic light control system. With the proposed SS model and repair mechanism, we can evaluate a single device reliability. Experimental results show that, given a failure rate of 10-6, the SS-based controller with the self-repair mechanism not only extends 43% of its lifetime, but also reduces 18% of the hardware area, as compared with a TMR-based controller. The power consumption reduces about 19%. For the SS-based controller with the peer-repair (self-repair included), compared with TMR-based controller, it extends the lifetime by about 48%, and slightly reduces the hardware area (2%). The power consumption is slightly improved, i.e., reduced by about 5%. To sum up, in logic repair, the symbiotic design methodology is more cost efficient than the TMR methodology. In addition, in symbiotic design, the self-repair mechanism is more cost efficient than the peer-repair mechanism, because the peer-repair mechanism needs additional communication overhead.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and Objective 1
1.2 Method and Result 3
1.3 Organization 5
Chapter 2 Symbiotic System 6
2.1 Symbiotic System Model 6
2.2 Symbiotic Traffic Light Controller 7
Chapter 3 Traffic Light Controller 10
3.1 Traffic Light Control 10
3.2 Specifications of the Traffic Light Controller 13
3.3 Proposed Symbiotic Traffic Light Controller 14
3.4 Triple Module Redundancy Based Traffic Light Controller 18
Chapter 4 Experimental Results 20
4.1 Hazard Generation 20
4.2 Behavior-Level Simulation 21
4.3 RTL-Level Simulation 22
4.4 Parameter 25
4.5 Reliability Comparison 27
4.5.1 Mathematic Model 27
4.5.2 Behavior-Level Simulation Result 28
4.5.3 RTL-Level Simulation Result 31
4.6 Synthesis Report 33
4.6.1 Performance Comparison 33
4.6.2 Hardware Complexity Comparison 33
4.6.3 Power Consumption Comparison 34
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 36
5.1 Conclusions 36
5.2 Future Work 37
Bibliography 38

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