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作者(外文):Hsiao, Yu-Ling
論文名稱(外文):VLSI Architecture for High-Quality Belief Propagation with Large Tiles and Conditional Random Fields
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chao-Tsung
口試委員(外文):Chiu, Ching-Te
Chien, Shao-Yi
外文關鍵詞:VLSIdisparity estimationbelief propagationconditional random field
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:295
  • 評分評分:*****
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我們基於台積電40奈米製程實作深度估測電路,此電路使用了667千位元組的晶片內部的記憶體以及84.6萬的邏輯閘。運作在200 MHz時,它可以每秒提供六千兩百萬視差點的吞吐量來支持每秒30幀的高畫質深度圖。
High-quality and high-resolution depth maps become essential in emerging computer vision applications. Generating high-resolution depth maps is computation-intensive and requires heavy hardware resources for real-time applications. Therefore, in this thesis, we design a tile-based belief propagation engine with large tiles and Conditional random field for high-quality depth maps, and we present a VLSI circuit that applies tile-based belief propagation to support real-time depth estimation.

There are two methods to improve depth quality, large tiles and Conditional random field. The design challenge for using large tiles is the demand of large memory area. To address the difficulty, we propose the improved architecture with only one tile message memory, and the area saving is 37\% compared to the state-of-the-art architecture.
On the other hand, the adaptive slope method based on Conditional random field is proposed to enhance depth map near object boundaries and detailed parts. We adaptively change the slope according to the difference in intensity between two neighboring pixels, and average mean squared error of disparity is reduced by 12\%. And we design architectures with little overhead for the adaptive slope method.

We implement a VLSI circuit for depth estimation using TSMC 40 nm technology process with 667 KB on-chip memory and 846 K gate counts. When synthesized at 200 MHz, it delivers 62 M disparity/s to support full-HD depth at 30 fps.
Abstract iii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Related Work 2
1.2.1 Markov Random Field and Conditional Random Field 2
1.2.2 Approximate Inference for Markov Random Field 3
1.2.3 Hardware-Friendly Belief Propagation 4
1.3 Thesis Organization 6
2 Algorithm Analysis of Tile-Based Belief Propagation 9
2.1 Belief Propagation 9
2.2 Analysis of Tile-Based Belief Propagation 11
2.2.1 Block-Based and Tile-Based Belief Propagation 11
2.2.2 Tile Size 13
2.2.3 Inner Iteration Times 14
2.3 Conditional Random Field for Belief Propagation 17
2.3.1 Adaptive Slope Method for Belief Propagation 17
2.3.2 Different Kernels for CRF 17
2.3.3 Analysis of CRF with Different Kernels 19
3 System Architecture of Tile-Based Belief Propagation 23
3.1 Analysis of Parallelism 25
3.2 Schedule for Four Parallelism and Fast Message Update Unit 26
3.3 Four-Bank Interleaving Scheme for On-Chip Memory 26
4 Architecture Design of Large Tile Belief Propagation 29
4.1 Four Messages Architecture 29
4.2 Single Message Architecture 30
4.3 Fully-Utilized Single Message Architecture 33
4.4 Comparison 35
5 Architecture Design of Adaptive Slope Method 39
5.1 Fixed-Point Adaptive Slope Method 39
5.2 Pre-Calculated Architecture 40
5.3 On-The-Fly Architecture 42
5.4 Comparison 45
6 Implementation of Tile-Based Belief Propagation 49
6.1 Analysis Bandwidth of Off-Chip Memory for Side Message with
Different Tile Size 49
6.2 Synthesized Result 51
7 Conclusion and Future Work 55
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