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作者(外文):Wong, De-Ming
論文名稱(外文):An Electronic Nose System for Fast Screening of Lung Cancer
指導教授(外文):Tang, Kea-Tiong
口試委員(外文):Lin, Chih-Ting
Liu, Yi-Wen
外文關鍵詞:Electronic NoseLung CancerSensors Calibration
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  • 點閱點閱:947
  • 評分評分:*****
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Lung cancer was currently the top ten causes of death in the world. The reason for the extremely high mortality rate is mostly due to late detection and delayed treatment. Because the initial cancer volume was too small, the diagnostic methods of general medical institutions are difficult to find and the inspection procedures are complicated. In order to achieve rapid screening, we used electronic nose technology to find the characteristics of lung cancer gas through the gas exhaled by lung cancer patients. In order to help doctors to determine the possibility of lung cancer patients early and reduce the risk of late detection.
The research focuses on the system architecture. We proposed constant flow and metallic chamber system. A desiccant tube was added to the front of the system to minimize the effects of humidity and flow pressure. First, we got feature point by signal pre-processing. In order to reduce the complexity of the subsequent algorithm, the principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) are used to reduce the dimension, and it is convenient to observe the data distribution. The identification method uses the nearest K neighbor methods and support vector machines, with a leave-one-out cross-validation. Then, we used receiver operating curve for classifier evaluation.

The initial recognition rate was about 65%. During the identification process, it was found that the sensors drift for time. We used linear regression to verify sensors drift and used direct standardization to calibrate sensors drift. After calibration, we can achieve better result. Finally, the recognition rate was about 80%~85%.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 氣體感測系統基本架構 3
第2章 文獻回顧 6
2.1氣體檢測相關文獻討論 6
2.2肺部疾病檢測相關文獻討論 7
第3章 實驗系統架構 9
3.1 訊號擷取系統 10
3.1.1 氣體感測器 10
3.1.2 感測器介面電路 13
3.1.3 感測器腔體 15
3.2 實驗方法與流程 17
3.2.1 氣袋採樣 17
3.2.2 實驗流程 18
第4章 訊號處理與資料分析 20
4.1 訊號前處理 21
4.1.1基線處理 21
4.2 特徵擷取 23
4.2.1 主成分分析 (Principal Components Analysis, PCA) 24
4.2.2 線性判別分析 (Linear Discriminant Analysis, LDA) 25
4.3 分類演算法 27
4.3.1 K個最近鄰居判別 (K-Nearest Neighbors, KNN) 27
4.3.2 支持向量機 (Support Vector Machine, SVM) 28
4.4 交叉驗證方法 31
4.5 線性迴歸預測與直接校正法 32
4.5.1 線性迴歸 32
4.5.1 直接校正法 33
4.6 接收者操作曲線 36
第5章 實驗結果與討論 38
5.1原始資料實驗結果 39
5.1.1資料分佈 39
5.1.2 辨識率結果 43
5.1.3 感測器誤差 47
5.2 校正後資料實驗結果 51
5.2.1 資料分佈 51
5.2.2 線性迴歸預測 54
5.2.3 辨識率與校正結果 59
5.2.4 分類器評估 62
5.3 校正與辨識分析 65
第6章 結論未來發展 66
6.1 結論 66
6.2 未來發展 67
參考文獻 69

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