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作者(外文):Guo, Da-Yi
論文名稱(外文):A Data-Locality Aware Parallelization Approach for Convolution Neural Network Inference
指導教授(外文):Tsay, Ren-Song
口試委員(外文):WU, CHENG-WEN
外文關鍵詞:embedded systemheterogeneous schedulerparallel computing
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  • 評分評分:*****
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平行化是一種普遍用於提升多核心系統效能的方法。然而,現今的神經網路推論(CNN inference)架構多採用多線程(multi-thread)方法將每一個卷積層(convolution layer)的計算工作分散至不同的核心上。我們觀察到這個方法會引起大量的核心間溝通(inter-core communication)成本並使系統效能降低。在這篇論文中,我們應用流水線執行(pipeline execution)的概念來平行化神經網路推論並且降低溝通成本。我們的實驗結果證明,我們的方法可以達成比傳統多線程方法高出73%的吞吐量(throughput)。
Parallelization is a common design practice for throughput improvement on multicore system. However, existing schedulers for convolution neural network inference essentially divide computational tasks of each convolution layer onto different CPU cores. However, this scheduling approach induces huge inter-core data movement and degrades the overall performance efficiency. In this paper, we proposed a pipeline-based scheduler to parallelize the convolution neural network inference while reducing the overall latency. Nevertheless, the optimization of the proposed pipeline-based scheduler requires careful balance of the workload of each stage so that the total latency is minimized. The experimental results show that our approach can get 73% performance improvement on throughput compared to existing multi-thread scheduler.
List of Figures------------------------------------------5
I. Introduction-------------------------------------6
II. Related work-------------------------------------10
III. Methodology------------------------------------- 12
A. Pipeline Configuration Generation----------------15
B. Execution Time Estimating------------------------18
C. Layer-to-stage Allocation Algorithm--------------20
IV. Experimental results-----------------------------25
A. Performance Comparison---------------------------25
B. Execution Time Estimation Error------------------26
C. Optimal Pipeline Configuration Prediction--------27
V. Conclusion---------------------------------------29

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