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作者(外文):Shih, Yun-Ting
指導教授(外文):Jong, Tai-Lang
口試委員(外文):Wang, Li-Karn
外文關鍵詞:perimeter intrusion detection systemmodified dual Mach-Zehnder interferometric sensorpositioning algorithm
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最後,本論文依照推導得到的數學模型,加以模擬入侵定位結果,並且與過去文獻提出的四種時間延遲估測方法比較,可以發現本論文使用的入侵定位演算法,即是從使用者設定的頻率上下界,去估算這段頻率範圍的相位差所導致的時間延遲,並由此推算出入侵點的位置,雖然精準度並非極其完美,但大多誤差都能在 取樣點的需求規格以內,換算為長度大約在 公尺以內,而且最大的優勢是執行速度遠勝於其它的時間延遲估測方法。除了模擬的結果外,也在王立康教授實驗室架設該系統進行實測,結果定位誤差也大多都能在需求規格內。
In this thesis, a modified dual Mach-Zehnder interferometric perimeter intrusion detection system (DMZIPIDS) is investigated. Different from previous version, polarization controller is added to the system to reduce the errors frequently encountered in previous system due to states of polarization.
A mathematical model of the modified DMZIPIDS is constructed in this thesis. Usually in the dual Mach-Zehnder interferometer literatures, the intrusion disturbance only occurs to one of the two fiber arms of the DMZI. In our systems, a multi-fiber cable is used in building the DMZIPIDS so that when an intrusion occurs, the intrusion disturbance actually affects all three fibers, including the two interferometric arms and a return path. This situation is considered in deriving the mathematical model of our DMZIPIDS and we found that the phase changes caused by the intrusion disturbance on the return path will eventually cancelled out in the detector output signals, thus not affecting the final interferometric results.
A new GUI-based software for controlling the modified DMZIPIDS is also designed and implemented in Qt C++. The new graphical user interface provides users with a friendly way to monitor the received detector signals in both time-domain and frequency-domain, to see the saved history data of the system, and to set up all parameters of the system such as thresholds of intrusion detection, .., etc. This software employs multi-threading, which enables it to save raw intrusion detector data onto disk and to continuously receive and process new detector data from the data acquisition system at the same time, thus overcome the drawbacks of the previous single-threading software which can do either saving or monitoring but not both at any time.
Finally, the derived mathematical model of the modified DMZIPIDS is utilized in the simulation of the proposed intrusion detection and location algorithm. For comparison, four other time delay estimation methods are also simulated and the results are compared. Although the algorithm in this thesis for locating intrusion position is not perfect, the estimated intrusion location errors are within the requirements range specification of 1.5 samples. Moreover, the execution speed of the proposed intrusion location algorithm is far better than that of the other four methods. In addition, an experimental modified fiber optic DMZIPIDS was built in Prof. Wang’s laboratory and various intrusion events at different locations were experimented and the corresponding real detector output data is received and processed by our software. The results show that the requirements intrusion location errors specification of 80 m is achieved by our method.
摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 文獻回顧 2
1.3.1 周界入侵感測系統 2
1.3.2 周界入侵感測系統的評估 2
1.3.3 周界入侵感測系統的種類 3
1.3.4 基於光纖感測器的周界入侵感測系統 4
1.4 論文貢獻 5
1.5 論文架構 5
第二章 硬體架構與數學模型 7
2.1 前言 7
2.2 光學元件 7
2.2.1 雷射(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, Laser)光源 7
2.2.2 光纖耦合器(Fiber Optic Couplers) 7
2.2.3 光纖偏振控制器(Fiber Optic Polarization Controllers, PC) 8
2.2.4 光纖偏振保持耦合器(Fiber Optic Polarization-Maintaining Couplers, PM Couplers) 8
2.2.5 光纖偏振分光計(Fiber Optic Polarization Beam Splitters, PBS) 8
2.2.6 光纖光檢測器(Fiber Optic Photodetectors, PD) 8
2.2.7 資料擷取系統(Data Acquisition System) 9
2.3 馬赫詹德干涉儀 9
2.3.1 相量矩陣形式 10
2.3.2 擴展相量矩陣形式 13
2.4 加入偏振控制器的改良式雙馬赫詹德干涉式周界入侵感測系統 16
2.4.1 訊號與元件的擴展相量矩陣形式 16
2.4.2 順時針光路 19
2.4.3 逆時針光路 22
2.4.4 光強度分析 26
第三章 軟體架構 28
3.1 前言 28
3.2 軟體介面 28
3.2.1 軟體開發工具 28
3.2.2 周界入侵感測系統檢視器 29
3.2.3 周界入侵感測系統歷史資料檢視器 32
3.2.4 執行緒 33
3.2.5 軟體執行流程 35
3.3 快速傅立葉轉換 36
3.4 入侵判斷演算法 38
3.5 入侵定位演算法 41
第四章 實驗模擬與結果 45
4.1 前言 45
4.2 模擬結果 45
4.2.1 時間延遲估測方法 45
4.2.2 模擬訊號之數學模型 47
4.2.3 訊號振幅對定位誤差的影響 51
4.2.4 訊號頻率範圍對定位誤差的影響 62
4.2.5 訊號雜訊比對定位誤差的影響 74
4.3 多執行緒軟體的實作 85
4.4 實驗結果 87
4.5 總結 92
第五章 結論與未來展望 94
參考文獻 96
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