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作者(外文):Lin, Shih-Yang.
論文名稱(外文):Research on D-Σ Digital Controlled Hybrid-Frequency Inverter
指導教授(外文):Wu, Tsai-Fu
外文關鍵詞:three-phase four-wire inverterD-Σ digital controlripple cancellationgrid connectionhybrid frequency inverter
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  • 點閱點閱:196
  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究設計與製作一額定容量為50 kVA高低頻互補換流器,其中包含兩台並聯之三相四線半橋式換流器,並使用兩顆微控制器Renesas RX62T晶片分別操作於不同頻率。低頻換流器額定功率較高,高頻換流器額定功率較低。本換流器透過高低頻電流互補控制消除低頻電感漣波電流。在漣波消除操作模式下,動態響應與等效漣波電流由高頻換流器主導。高切換頻率使系統有較快之動態響應與較小之電流濾波器。通過高低頻換流器功率配置,傳統大功率且高頻換流器與系統內對應規格之零件可由低頻大功率和高頻低功率元件取代,達到相同功率與動態響應,同時符合併網換流器電力品質規範。
This thesis shows research result of a 50kVA division-summation (D-Σ) digital controlled hybrid-frequency inverters (HbFIs). The system consists of two parallel three-phase four-wire half-bridge inverters with different switching frequencies and power ratings with microcontroller Renesas RX62Ts as control centers. Low Frequency Inverter operates with high power rating as High Frequency Inverter operates with low power rating. HbFIs cancel out the low frequency current ripples with the ripple cancellation control. With ripple cancellation, the dynamic response and equivalent switching frequency of the system is dominated by High Frequency Inverter. Higher switching frequency increase the dynamic response and reduce the size of the LCL filter. Also, with power schedule, the components in high power high frequency inverter can be replaced with high power low frequency and low power high frequency components while satisfying the high power high dynamic response specifications and the power quality regulation for grid connected applications.
Regarding the control of the inverter, D-Σ digital control calculates the command for SPWM from current error without operating abc-dq transformation. The variation of DC bus voltage, AC side voltage and inductance has been taken into consideration. Hence, D-Σ digital control is suitable for low frequency current ripple cancellation. Besides, with the concept of repetitive control, D-Σ digital control can accurately calculate the slope of the low frequency current ripple and cancels the ripples precisely. Finally, D-Σ digital control for ripple cancellation is conducted on a practical system. And the feasibility of HbFIs is verified by both the simulation and experimental results.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
總目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 單模組換流器架構 2
1-2-2 多模組換流器架構 5
1-2-3 併網型換流器濾波器架構 9
1-2-4 換流器控制方法 11
1-3 論文大綱 13
第二章 系統架構與漣波消除分切合整控制 14
2-1 系統架構 14
2-2 分切合整數位控制 16
2-2-1 受控體 16
2-2-2 低頻換流器分切合整數位控制 19
2-2-3 高頻換流器漣波消除分切合整數位控制 19
第三章 高低頻LCL濾波器設計 22
3-1 設計原則 22
3-1-1 開關額定與漣波電流峰值規範 22
3-1-2 電感漣波電流斜率規範 23
3-1-3 切頻與漣波剩餘率規範 24
3-2 LCL濾波器設計流程 28
3-2-1 濾波器導向設計 28
3-2-2 功率模組導向設計 29
第四章 系統周邊電路 31
4-1 輔助電源 31
4-2 開關驅動電源 33
4-3 電壓箝位電路 33
4-4 精密全波整流電路 34
4-5 偏壓放大電路 35
4-6 主動訊號箝位電路 36
4-7 交流電壓回授電路 36
4-8 電感電流回授電路 38
4-9 直流鏈電壓回授電路 38
4-10 上下臂開關隔離驅動電路 39
4-11 電網隔離電路 40
第五章 韌體規劃 41
5-1 RX62T群組微控制器簡介 41
5-2 低頻換流器主程式流程規劃 44
5-3 A/D低頻中斷副程式流程規劃 44
5-4 高頻換流器主程式流程規劃 46
5-5 A/D高頻中斷副程式流程規劃 46
第六章 系統設計研製 48
6-1 系統規格與LCL濾波器參數總表 48
6-2 實務考量 49
第七章 模擬與實驗結果 56
7-1 換流器模擬系統建模 56
7-2 模擬波形 57
7-3 實驗波形 60
第八章 結論與未來研究方向 63
8-1 結論 63
8-2 未來研究方向 63
參考文獻 65

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