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作者(外文):Tien, Kang-Ming
指導教授(外文):Liaw, Chang-Ming
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Yuan-Yih
Chen, Seng-Chi
Liu, Tian-Hua
外文關鍵詞:switched-reluctance motorcommutation shiftactive power filterswitch-mode rectifierpower factor correctionvoltage boostingreversibleregenerative brakingsensorless control
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  • 評分評分:*****
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  This thesis develops the switched-reluctance motor (SRM) drives with different switch-mode rectifier (SMR) front-ends and proposes a SRM position sensorless control scheme. After comprehending the basics of a SRM drive and some related power electronic technologies, a standard SRM drive is first established. Through proper commutation, current and speed controls, it possesses good driving performances, including acceleration/deceleration, reversible and regenerative braking operations. Under higher speeds, the DC-link boosting is further applied to reduce the effects of back electromotive force (EMF) on the winding current response. Next, a rotor position estimation scheme based on narrow pulse voltage injection is developed and applied for constructing a position sensorless SRM drive. The pulse voltage injection scheme, the resulted current detecting and signal conditioning schemes are all adequately designed to let its driving characteristics being comparable to those of standard SRM drive.
  Second, a three-phase full-bridge boost switch-mode rectifier (SMR) is established to be the front-end of the SRM drive. Under good line drawn power quality, the DC-link voltage of the SRM drive is boostable to enhance the SRM driving performance in higher speeds. Moreover, the recovered regenerative braking energy can be successfully sent back to the mains.
  Third, another SMR front-end SRM drive is proposed and comparatively evaluated. This AC/DC front-end consists of a three-phase single-switch (3P1SW) discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) boost SMR and a three-phase shunt active power filter (APF). All functions of the standard full-bridge SMR fed SRM drive are preserved by this type of SRM drive. However, the rating analysis demonstrates that the higher power device rating utilization is possessed.
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 SMR-fed Motor Drive 6
2.3 Switched-Reluctance Motor 7
A. Motor Structure 7
B. Physical Modeling 8
C. Motor and Generator Operations 9
D. Dynamic Modeling 10
2.4 Position Sensorless Control 12
2.5 SRM Converters 12
A. Asymmetrical Bridge Converter 13
B. Miller’s Converter 13
C. Modified Miller’s Converter 14
2.6 Front-End Converters 15
A. DC/DC Converters 15
B. AC/DC Converters 16
2.7 Possible AC/DC Converters for Motor Drives 19
2.8 The De-rated Characteristics of Various AC/DC Converters 20
2.9 Active Power Filters 21
2.10 The Developed SRM Drive System and Problem Statements 23
3.1 Introduction 25
3.2 Standard SRM Drive 25
A. System Configuration 25
B. SRM-PMSG Set 26
C. Converter Circuit 27
D. DSP-based Digital Control Environment 28
E. Sensing and Interfacing Circuits 28
3.3 Current Control Scheme 32
3.4 Speed Control Scheme 33
A. Dynamic Modeling 33
B. Design of Speed Feedback Controller 36
3.5 Experimental Evaluation 37
A. Effectiveness of Commutation Shift and Voltage Boosting 37
B. Dynamic Speed Responses 40
C. Acceleration/deceleration and Reversible Operations 41
4.1 Introduction 48
4.2 Principle of Signal Injected Position Sensorless Control 48
A. Some Behaviors of SRM Related to Rotor Position 48
B. Narrow Voltage Pulse Injection Position Sensorless Control Concept 49
4.3 The Developed Position Sensorless SRM Drive 52
A. System Configuration 52
B. Determination of Key Parameters 54
C. Controller Design 55
4.4 Experimental Results 55
A. Winding Current Tracking Characteristics under Different DC-link Voltages 55
B. Winding Current Tracking Responses 56
C. Speed Dynamic Responses 61
D. Reversible Operation Characteristics 62
5.1 Introduction 68
5.2 Three-phase Full-bridge Boost SMR with Resistive Load 68
A. Power Circuit 68
B. Controller Design 69
C. Experimental Results 74
5.3 Three-phase Full-bridge Boost SMR Powered Standard SRM Drive 78
A. Control Schemes 78
B. Steady-state Characteristics 79
C. Dynamic Characteristics 83
D. Reversible Operation 85
E. Regenerative Braking 85
5.4 Three-phase Full-bridge Boost SMR Powered Sensorless SRM Drive 88
A. Control Schemes 88
B. Steady-state Characteristics 88
C. Dynamic Characteristics 93
6.1 Introduction 96
6.2 Comparative Rating Analyses of AC/DC Converters 96
A. Three-phase Full-bridge SMR 96
B. Three-phase Single-switch DCM Boost SMR 97
C. APF Assisted Three-phase Single-switch DCM Boost SMR 98
D. Summary 99
6.3 Three-phase Single-switch DCM Boost SMR 99
A. System Configuration and Operation 99
B. Power Circuit Design 101
C. Voltage Controller Design 102
D. Experimental Results 104
6.4 Three-phase Single-switch DCM Boost SMR fed SRM Drive 108
A. System Configuration 108
B. Control Schemes 109
C. Steady-state Characteristics 110
D. Dynamic Characteristics 114
E. Reversible Operation 116
6.5 APF Assisted Three-phase Single-switch DCM Boost SMR 118
A. System Configuration and Parameters 118
B. SCRs Driver Circuit 118
C. Control Schemes 120
D. Experimental Results 121
6.6 APF Assisted Three-phase Single-switch DCM Boost SMR fed SRM Drive 129
A. System Configuration 129
B. Control Schemes 129
C. Steady-state Characteristics 129
D. Dynamic Characteristics 137
E. Reversible Operation 139
F. Regenerative Braking 141

A. Fundamentals of SRM
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F. Position Sensorless Control
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