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作者(外文):Chou, Kuan-Yu
指導教授(外文):Liaw, Chang-Ming
外文關鍵詞:electric vehicleswitched-reluctance motorinterface converterLLC resonant converterinverterG2VV2HV2Genergy harvestingswitch-mode rectifierVienna SMR
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於閒置狀態,所建電動車驅動系統可從事移動式儲能應用。於聯網下,電氣隔離由諧振式直流/直流轉換器之高頻直流鏈提供。在電網至車輛之操作中,以驅動系統既有元件組成切換式整流器為主之車上充電器,蓄電池可由電網充電,具有良好之電力品質。相反地,於車輛至家庭/車輛至電網之操作中,所建之單相三線式變頻器產生110V/220V 60Hz交流電,供電家用或回送電能至電網。最後,本論文開發一以三相維也納切換式整流器為主之插入式能源收集系統。可由電網取電從事電池之輔助式快充。此外,可收集之三相交流電、單相交流電與直流電亦可輸入此系統,對車上蓄電池充電。
This thesis develops a battery/super-capacitor (SC) powered electric vehicle (EV) switched-reluctance motor (SRM) drive with grid-to-vehicle (G2V), vehicle-to-home (V2H), vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and energy harvesting functions. All these auxiliary functions are conducted with the converters formed using the SRM drive embedded components and an externally added bidirectional LLC resonant isolated DC/DC converter.
The EV DC-link voltage is established by the battery through a H-bridge DC/DC converter. In addition to voltage boosting, the DC-link voltage can also be lower than battery voltage under lower speeds to yield improved efficiencies. The SC is connected to the DC-link via an one-leg bidirectional buck/boost DC/DC converter for assisting the battery in acceleration and regenerative braking. In motor driving control, to yield better winding current tracking responses, the properly designed feedback controller is augmented with an observed back electromotive force (EMF), a feedforward controller and a robust current tracking error cancellation controller (RCECC). Moreover, the commutation shifting and voltage boosting approaches are further applied to reduce the effects of EMF under higher speeds and/or heavier loads.
In idle condition, the developed EV drive can be conducted movable storage applications. The isolation in grid-connected operation is provided by a LLC resonant DC/DC converter established high-frequency DC-link. In G2V operation, the switch-mode rectifier based on-board chargers are formed using the EV drive embedded components. The battery can be charged from the utility grid with good line drawn power quality. Conversely in V2H/V2G operations, a three-phase three-wire (1P3W) inverter is formed to generate the 220V/110V 60Hz AC output voltages to power home appliances or send power back to the utility grid. Finally, a three-phase Vienna SMR based plug-in energy harvesting scheme (EHS) is developed. The additional auxiliary quick charging from the mains can be conducted. In addition, the possible harvested three-phase AC source, single-phase AC source and DC source can also be the inputs for charging the on-board battery.
A. Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles
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H. Vienna Switch-Mode Rectifiers
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