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作者(外文):Yao, Chen-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Uninterruptible Power System with Power Circulation Test
指導教授(外文):Wu, Tsai-Fu
口試委員(外文):Chen, Ke-Horng
Yu, Gwo-Ruey
Hsieh, Yao-Ching
外文關鍵詞:uninterruptible power systemthree-phase four-wire inverterD-Σ digital controlload impedance estimationcirculation test
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  • 評分評分:*****
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摘 要
本研究設計製作一部三相四線半橋換流器,控制核心是Renesas RX62T微控制器,進行不斷電系統的循環功能測試。控制上採用分切合整數位控制法,並加上負載阻抗估測法則,使換流器輸出穩定三相弦波電壓。在不斷電系統的負載端,接入另一部轉換器進行抽載,然後輸出到不斷電系統的直流端,透過控制電流來模擬不同的負載情況,以完成不斷電系統的循環功能測試。在不斷電系統的直流輸入端,採用換流器連接電網,透過功因校正器和整流提供直流電壓,供給系統使用。
本研究免除傳統的abc至dq 軸轉換,而使用分切合整數位控制,可以簡化控制法則的推導過程。由於本研究採用三相四線半橋架構,結合正弦脈寬調變(Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation, SPWM),可以把三相換流器等效成三個單相換流器,分別進行控制,這一點也減輕了控制的複雜程度。電感值會隨電流大小而改變,分切合整控制法會將這一點納入考量,避免了因電感值衰減,所可能造成的輸出波形失真。


This study adopts a three-phase four-wire half-bridge circuit architecture with a control core, Renesas RX62T microcontroller, to design and implement a converter for uninterruptible power system (UPS) circulation test. With the division-summation (D-Σ) digital control and load impedance estimation, the inverter can output stable three-phase sinusoidal voltage. At load side of a UPS, another converter is used for rectification and then output to the dc link of a UPS. It can easily simulate different load conditions with a current control to complete the UPS function test. As for the dc input, a converter is connected to the grid to draw power with power factor correction and rectification.
With the D-Σ digital control, instead of the conventional abc-dq frame transformation, derivation of the plant and control law can be significantly simplified. Moreover, an SPWM combined with D-Σ digital control can divide a three-phase inverter into three single-phase inverters and reduce complexity of control. The D-Σ digital control can take into account inductance variation with current change to avoid output voltage distortion.
Because it is difficult to find a load with high enough power rating and the three-phase half-bridge inverter can be equivalent to three independent single-phase half-bridge ones, this study verifies the function of a UPS with single-phase circulation test. The first phase of the converter is used to rectify grid voltage into stable dc voltage, the second phase converters the dc voltage into ac voltage output, and the third phase simulates various load conditions and converts the ac output into dc with a current control, which is circulated back to the dc bus. The single-phase circulation test can easily simulate different kinds of load with different power ratings. And because the third phase recycles energy back to the dc bus, the entire test system supplies only the power due to conduction and switching losses, greatly reducing power waste of a conventional test.
The main contributions of this study: Firstly, the division-summation (D-Σ) digital control avoids the conventional abc to dq frame transformation, which has reduced control complexity and considered filter inductance variation. The second point is to use a single-phase circulation test, which simulates various types of load readily with low cost. Thirdly, we sample signals and update controls on the crest and trough of a switching cycle, without changing switching frequency, which can effectively reduce distortion and oscillation at the output voltage.

Keywords: uninterruptible power system, three-phase four-wire inverter, D-Σ digital control, load impedance estimation, circulation test.
誌 謝 I
摘 要 II
Abstract IV
目 錄 II
圖目錄 II
表目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 文獻回顧 1
1-2-1 不斷電系統架構簡介 2
1-2-2 換流器架構 5
1-2-3 換流器控制方法 8
1-3 論文大綱 11
第二章 系統架構與分切合整數位控制法 12
2-1 系統架構 12
2-2 分切合整數位控制法 13
2-2-1 分切與合整 13
2-2-2 控制法則 17
2-2-3 負載阻抗估測 18
第三章 系統周邊電路 22
3-1 輔助電源 22
3-2 開關驅動電源 23
3-3 電壓箝位電路 24
3-4 精密全波整流電路 25
3-5 零交越判斷電路 26
3-6 交流電壓回授電路 26
3-7 電感電流回授電路 28
3-8 直流鏈電壓回授電路 29
3-9 直流鏈預充電路 30
3-10上下臂開關隔離驅動電路 31
3-11 電網電壓偵測電路 32
3-12 電網隔離電路 33
3-13 輔助電源偵錯電路(Power Good) 34
3-14 緊急關閉電路 35
第四章 韌體規劃 36
4-1 RX62T群組微控制器簡介 36
4-2 主程式流程規劃 39
4-3 A/D中斷副程式流程規劃 40
第五章 實驗結果 43
5-1 換流器規格與元件選用 43
5-2 實務考量 44
5-2-1 電感值變化 44
5-2-2 A/D取樣與PWM輸出設定 47
5-2-3 開關死區補償 48
5-2-4 回授電路中的濾波電容設計 49
5-3 換流器模擬系統建模 50
5-4 單相循環測試模擬與實測波形 53
5-4-1 電阻性負載和空載 53
5-4-2 電感性負載 60
5-4-3 電容性負載 65
5-4-4 非線性負載 70
5-4-5 直流穩壓 71
5-5 總諧波失真率 73
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 74
6-1 結論 74
6-2 未來研究方向 74
參考文獻 77

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