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作者(外文):Chen, Ying-Ying
論文名稱(中文):價值追求與理想生活的探尋: 論場域的交替與多元價值的共存
論文名稱(外文):Pursuit of Values and Inquiry into an Ideal Life: on Shifting Involvements and Value Pluralism
指導教授(外文):Chen, Szu-Ting
口試委員(外文):Jeng, Jyh-Jong
Wang, Rong- Lin
外文關鍵詞:Albert O. HirschmanMichael E. BratmanStuart HampshireJohn GrayDisappointmentShared IntentionValue PluralismIncommensurability
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:227
  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文所探討的主題,乃針對「人類生活之面貌」來進行討論;本文以「場域交替」、「共享意圖的建構」,以及「多元價值的共存」為骨幹:以阿爾伯特‧赫緒曼(Albert O. Hirschman)針對「個人涉入私人與公共場域之交替循環」的概念為主要框架,並延伸至麥克‧布拉特曼(Michael E. Bratman)對於共享意圖的建構,以及斯圖亞特‧漢普夏(Stuart Hampshire)與約翰‧葛雷(John Gray)之多元價值觀點。在赫緒曼看來,傳統上對於公共行動的解讀,往往訴諸於外在的因素,諸如戰爭,然而他認為在公共的領域中,人們也應賦予個體一定程度的關注,因此,在他提出的概念中,便是從個體的層面出發,並以「經濟」與「失望」為切入角度,嘗試就公私領域二分的行動場域,來看待在此間行動之個體,其遭逢的諸多情境,以及行動主體最終所面臨之公私場域的循環。除此之外,有關共享意圖的概念,正好是赫緒曼沒有討論的面向,故本文增添此一論述,以期能夠豐富主題的意涵:布拉特曼試圖說明意圖與意圖之間如何形成連結,並構成共享意圖與共同的行動。此外,有關多元價值的討論,主要自赫緒曼之「場域交替」延伸而來,赫緒曼的立場暗示了:在個體的生活中,並不存在具有優勢地位的單一價值型態;故筆者就此來進一步思考「多元價值的共存」,並試圖偕同「場域交替」以及「共享意圖之建構」,構築出一幅人類生活的縮影。
The aim of this essay is to discuss “the profile of human life”. The discussion begins with exploring Albert O. Hirschman’s concept of “shifting involvements” as when an individual involves an iterative alternation between his or her concern of private interest and that of the public good. It then follows by investigating Michael E. Bratman’s idea about “the constitution of shared intention”, and ends with discussing a value pluralist position maintained by Stuart Hampshire and John Gray. Instead of following the traditional way of interpreting public action, such as warfare, by resorting to external factors, Hirschman urges that we should, in interpreting the public affairs, pay more attention to the individual level. Taking an economy and feeling of disappointment at the individual level as an example, Hirschman explains an individual action in the public sphere by resorting to various situations where an individual involves in an iterative alternation between his or her concern of private interest and that of the public good. In other words, iterative alternation of various individual actions between public and private spheres is situation-dependent. In order to substantiating the argument of this essay, the concept of shared intention is supplemented. Shared intention is absent from Hirschman’s discussion but is proposed by Bratman as a key idea that can be used to explain how individual’s intentions can be connected so that this connection can be used to form a shared intention and to constitute a concerted action. This essay further maintains that Hirschman’s discussion of “shifting involvements” implies a position of value pluralism, Hirschman’s discussion hints at a thesis that there is no single value position possessing priority to other positions in any individual life. Following from this line of thinking, this essay, on the basis of the ideas of shifting involvements and the constitution of shared intention, moves to a conclusion with a value pluralistic position that, as this essay maintains, should be an epitome of human life.

第一節 研究動機與目的.................................................1
第二節 章節安排......................................................3

第一章 涉身在私人領域的行動主體及其轉向................................5
第一節 行動主體在私領域的經驗........................................5
一、 源起.......................................................5
二、 從經濟的角度來看待失望.......................................6
三、 心靈之衝突與劃分............................................15
第二節 個體從私領域的轉向..........................................21
一、 推力與阻礙.................................................21
二、 公共活動的特性與行動主體的自我意識...........................26

第二章 Michael E. Bratman的構作:從個體到社會.......................36

第一節 共享的意圖與行動...........................................36
(一) 初步的設想:活動參與者「各自」的意圖............................38
(二) 活動參與者之意圖的「連鎖」.....................................40
(三) 活動參與者「互相協調的意圖」及「常識」..........................41
(四) 幫助活動成員的傾向............................................47
(五) 小結.........................................................48
第二節 建構社會規範的難處......................................... 51

第三章 行動主體的再度轉向...........................................56

第一節 行動主體在公共領域遭遇的困境..................................56
結論 一種可能的想像──智性的追求與多元價值的並存........................67
(一) 自由與必然.....................................................71
(二) 自由的人與人性的理想............................................74

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2. 洪漢鼎 (2013)。 《斯賓諾莎哲學研究》。北京:中國人民大學出版社。
3. Gray, John (2002). 《自由主義的兩種面貌》,蔡英文譯。台北:巨流圖書。
4. Hirschman, Albert O. (2013).《反動的修辭》,吳介民譯。新北:左岸文化出版。
5. Hirschman, Albert O. (2018). 《叛離、抗議與忠誠》,李宗義、許雅淑譯。
6. Vico, Giambattista (1986)。 《新科學 上冊》,朱光潛譯。北京:人民文學出版社。
7. Bratman, Michael E. (2009). “Shared Agency”in C. Mantzavinos ed., Philosophy of the Social Sciences: philosophical theory and scientific practice. NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 41-59.
8. Bratman, Michael E. (2014). Shared Agency: A Planning Theory of Acting Together. NY: Oxford University Press
9. Demeulenaere, Pierre (2009). “Where Is the Social”in C. Mantzavinos ed., Philosophy of the Social Sciences: philosophical theory and scientific practice. NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 60-66.
10. Hirschman, Albert O. (2002). Shifting Involvements.(20yr. ed.) Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
11. Hampshire, Stuart (1983). Morality and Conflict. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
12. Hampshire, Stuart (1983). Thought and Action. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
13. Hampshire, Stuart(1989). Innocence and Experience. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
14. Hampshire, Stuart (2000). Justice is Conflict. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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