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作者(外文):Xu, Shao-jin
論文名稱(外文):Gender in Caregiver-Partner Relationship: Take Male Caring of Female Suffering from Depression as an Example.
指導教授(外文):Shen, Hsiu-Hua
外文關鍵詞:DepressionMale CaregiverCare WorkIntimacyGender
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  • 評分評分:*****
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The study interviewed fourteen heterosexual males who were in romantic relationships with female depression patients as well as playing the role as the main caregivers of their partners. The study put together of a picture of “Caregiver-Partner Relationship”, documenting the scenario and the difficulty the male caregivers faced when taking care of their partners, and further analyzing how they maintained Caregiver-Partner Relationship when doing gender.
The opportunity and motivation of how male caregivers initiate “Caregiver-Partner Relationship” are partially from helping female depression patients to get rid of emotional problems. Some male caregivers take the responsibility of taking care of female depression patients after romantic relationships are developed due to the gender stereotype in romantic relationships. A major daily task of being a caregiver to their intimate partners is to deal with and care for their love ones’ unstable emotional problem since female depression patients tend to talk more about their emotional troubles compared to their male counterparts. According to male caregivers, treating depression is a long journey, in which they cope with depressing emotions and low self-esteem of their female partners. Daily care also includes urgent self-harm and suicidal attempts. Taking care of depression patients happens not only just when depression “acts out”, but also includes carefully stabilizing the emotions of the patients.
The difficulty of taking care of depression patients is to face unexpected situations in long term care, making it hard to take a break. Meanwhile, it is challenging for male caregivers to strike a balance between looking after others and themselves. What’s more, it is hard for male caregivers to ask for help due to hard-to-get social welfare, the negative impression on mental diseases from the society, and gender stereotype. With hurdles from within and outside of the relationships, male caregivers were further enclosed in the relationships without a vent to discuss or reflect on how they cared for their partners, which made them even more vulnerable in “Caregiver-Partner Relationship”.
In “Caregiver-Partner Relationship”, male caregivers often had to deal with emotions of female partners. The ways they deal with emotions could be sorted in two: “Supervisor who needs to control one’s emotion” and “Companion whose emotions need to be let out.” Supervisor and Companion respectively stand for males and females’ ways of dealing with emotions based on the social gender expectations. Supervisor tends to establish a striking hierarchy of male domination and female submission. However, Companion doesn’t have said tendency. It also shows that male caregivers accomplish gender expression through giving care.
Being Supervisor or Companion doesn’t necessary cause confrontation or bring harmony in a romantic relationship. Whether Caregiver-Partner Relationship is harmonious or not sometimes depends if the role of Caregiver conflicts with the role of Partner. Caregiver and Partner respectively reproduced patriarchy and masculinity competition. Supervisor transforms the caretaking job, turning “dealing with female partner’s emotions” to “teaching female partner how to control her emotions”. On the other hand, Companion shows “feminine” masculinity competition.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
謝辭 iv
目錄 v
第一章、 導論 1
一、 前言 1
二、 問題意識 5
第二章、 文獻回顧與研究方法 7
一、 文獻回顧 7
(一) 精神疾病的照顧 8
(二) 做性別與愛情腳本 10
(三) 照顧:「女性工作」與男性 14
二、 研究架構與方法 16
(一) 研究架構 16
(二) 研究方法與過程 17
(三) 受訪者概述與章節安排 20
第三章、 憂鬱症照顧者的生活 26
一、 男性照顧者的故事 26
(一) B的故事 26
(二) Zoom的故事 32
二、 當愛情來敲門 40
三、 憂鬱症的照顧工作 45
(一) 提供照顧的情境 46
(二) 憂鬱症照顧的特徵 54
四、 小結 56
第四章、 男性照顧者做照顧的困難 58
一、 憂鬱症照顧的困境 58
(一) 突如其來、揮之不去的照顧 59
(二) 照顧自己?照顧伴侶? 62
二、 社會因素造成的照顧難關 65
(一) 制度對年輕照顧者的排除 65
(二) 社會汙名:憂鬱症與男性做照顧 68
三、 小結:孤立無援的照顧者 73
第五章、 照顧和愛情 75
一、 兩種照顧角色: 78
(一) 監督者 82
(二) 陪伴者 92
(三) 照顧角色的「選擇」 97
二、 照顧與伴侶關係的相互影響 102
(一) 互助 103
(二) 衝突 109
(三) 照顧-伴侶關係中的性別意涵 115
三、 小結 118
第六章、 總結 120
一、 研究發現 120
二、 展望 121
三、 研究限制 125
參考資料 127
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