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作者(外文):Chen, Po-Ting
論文名稱(中文):看不見的半導體實驗室技術員: 科學研究中的兩種知識類型與其認識論政治
論文名稱(外文):Invisible semiconductor laboratory technicians: two knowledge types in scientific research and their epistemic politics
指導教授(外文):Lin, Tzung-De
口試委員(外文):Chen, Hsin-Hsing
Cheng, Li-Hsuan
外文關鍵詞:semiconductor technicianscontextual knowledgeformal knowledgetacit knowledgeepistemic politics
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本研究為作者在一所國立大學的共用實驗室中,進行田野調查的成果。我跟隨該實驗室的半導體技術員,進入工作現場,在旁參與觀察。在研究的初始,我發現了一個矛盾現象,一方面,如同既有研究,我發現實驗室的多數成員皆認為技術員這份工作無價值,他/她們被視為科學家/實驗室的手腳(Lab’s hand)。但是在另一方面,我卻察覺技術員擁有某種特殊的知識與能力,研究生們依賴技術員在實作中的指導與建議。在這個矛盾中,浮現了本研究的謎題:「如果半導體技術員的工作內容有其重要性,為何在半導體實驗室成員的眼中會被認為沒有價值?」
首先,在實質層次方面,我發現在科學研究中存在兩種不同類型的知識,兩者缺一不可,分別是「脈絡知識」(contextual knowledge)與「正規知識」(formal knowledge),技術員擅長前者而不擅長後者。技術員運用「脈絡知識」與隨之而生的默會理解/整體感,他/她們在科學實驗現場,運用身體手藝與感官,解讀信號、配置物質,根據實際狀況臨機應變。他/她們並不是手腳,只是被動地接受科學家指令。
相較之下,研究人員較為擅長「正規知識」。正規知識具有三種成份:「符號/變項」、「理論」以及「科學推理」。科學研究的目的是探究「為什麼」(knowing why),科學家透過「正規知識」達到此目的。他們利用理論與科學推理,把紛雜的物質世界轉變為各種抽象符號/變項,找出變項之間的關係,尋找事物背後運作的原理,建立一個融貫(coherent)的論證,講出一套完整的故事(whole story)。
This thesis is the end result of the field research from a common laboratory in a Na¬tional University. I followed the semiconductor technicians to their work site in the lab and conducted participant observation. In the beginning of this research, I found a contradictory phenomenon: on the one hand, similar to previous research, most mem¬bers of the laboratory thought that the job of technician is valueless, they were regarded as scientists’ or laboratory’s hands; on the other hand, I was also aware of the unique knowledge and skills in these technicians, many graduate students were heavily reliant on technicians’ instruction and advices in scientific prac¬tice/experimentation. Consequently, the puzzle of my research emerged in this contradictory phenomenon: “if the work of semiconductor technicians is impor¬tant, why are these technicians valueless in the eyes of the members in the labora¬tory?”

In this thesis, I attempt to argue that the value of semiconductor technicians is underesti¬mated; in reality, they play a key role in scientific research, therefore, we must recognize the substantial importance of these technicians. Moreover, this re-search is going to answer the puzzle from substantive and symbolic aspects:

First of all, from substantive aspect, I found two different knowledge categories—contex¬tual and formal knowledge—existing in research process and each is indispensable to a successful research. Technicians are proficient in the former, and incompetent in the latter. They practice contextual knowledge with understanding, deploy¬ing their body and senses, interpreting sensory signals, allocating materials and take action according to actual circumstances. As a matter of fact, they are not merely “lab’s hands” and passively obeyed scientists’ order.

On the contrary, researchers/scientists are proficient in “formal knowledge” which is composed of three components: symbols/variables, theory and scientific reasoning. The purpose of scientific research is “knowing-why” and scientists achieve this goal by utilizing formal knowledge. By using theories and scientific reasoning, scientists transform the material world into an imagined world full of abstract symbols/variables, finding the relationship between variables, attempting to find the principles behind the material world, establishing a coherent argument and tell a whole story.

These two types of knowledge (contextual and formal knowledge) are indispensa¬ble in scientific research, and complementary with each other. The research would be suspended or terminated in the absence of any of them.

Secondary, from symbolic aspect, I found the standard which evaluates one’s exper¬tise/competence in the laboratory and the reason why these technicians were re¬garded as valueless. Most members in the semiconductor laboratory recognized “for¬mal knowledge” while devaluating “contextual knowledge”. Thus, technicians devaluated their affluent contextual knowledge/skills and thought that scientists are more important doing mental work than technicians doing manual labour jobs.

Last but not least, the value of technicians is underestimated according to the evalua¬tion standard in the laboratory, which doesn’t fit the reality. Although technicians are not proficient in “formal knowledge” and cannot accomplish a whole scientific re¬search independently, they utilize “contextual knowledge” in scientific prac¬tice/experimentation, and play an important role as a “broker” and bridge the gap be¬tween scientific theories and practices. For this reason, we must re-estimate the value of technicians and recognize their importance in scientific research.
第一章:導論 1
一、隱身於後台的技術員 1
二、田野介紹與研究方法 5
三、章節安排 8
第二章:文獻回顧 11
一、技術員研究 11
二、技術員的技能/知識 14
(一)技能/知識的意義 14
(二)技能/知識的類型 15
(三)默會知識 18
(四)技能/知識分類之間的關係 21
三、技能/知識的階序:認識論政治 25
四、小結 26
第三章:脈絡知識 29
一、簡介 29
二、脈絡知識的內容及特性 33
(一)符號知識 34
(二)身體知識 35
(三)經驗法則 39
(四)依附既有工作方式/傳統手法 40
(五)在地參數 46
(六)特性 50
三、脈絡知識的價值 55
四、脈絡知識的來源 57
(一)文件與課程 57
(二)實作 58
(三)共享與交流 60
(四)意外 60
五、小結 61
第四章:正規知識 63
一、簡介 63
二、正規知識的內容及特性 64
(一)符號 64
(二)理論 74
(三)科學推理 79
三、正規知識的價值 92
四、正規知識的來源 93
(一)正規課程:基礎理論的學習 93
(二)期刊論文:新的理論、現象與事實 95
五、小結:knowing why/whole story 96
第五章:認識論政治 97
一、技術員的實質限制:現象、特性與原因 98
(一)現象:不擅長正規知識的技術員 98
(二)特性:脈絡知識的低度擴散性 101
(三)原因:勞動分工與求學背景 103
二、正規知識能補充脈絡知識的不足 106
(一)科學理論的效力大於經驗法則與傳統手法 107
(二)科學理論的效力大於試誤法(trail and error)與常識 107
(三)使用正規知識取代身體手藝 109
三、兩種知識的實質重要性:四種排列組合 110
(一)擁有正規知識,缺乏脈絡知識 111
(二)缺乏正規知識,擁有脈絡知識 113
(三)兩者皆無/少量 113
(四)兩者兼備 115
四、誰有資格貶低技術員?實質層次的觀點 117
(一)技術員與菜鳥技術員 118
(二)研究生 119
(三)科學家與科學社群 120
(四)博不像博 122
五、象徵層次的分析:聯合實驗室的知識階序 124
(一)認可科學研究的成果:期刊論文 125
(二)重視正規知識,忽略脈絡知識 126
(三)知識階序帶來的結果 129
六、小結:重估技術員的價值 138
第六章:總結、研究貢獻與未來工作 141
一、結論 143
二、研究貢獻 146
(一)台灣的實驗室/技術員研究 146
(二)脈絡知識的限制 146
(三)認識論政治 148
(四)脈絡知識的利基 149
三、未來工作 151
(一)研究人員的能力 152
(二)科學建制的實作:打造「正規知識」 153
(三)學用落差,博士無用論? 153
參考文獻 156
後記:社會研究所碩士班的定位? 161
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