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作者(外文):Hsu, En-En.
論文名稱(外文):Coalition, Solidarity, and Cleavage: The Transition of Taiwan Social Movement Organization Networks from 2012 to 2018
指導教授(外文):Wu, jieh-min.
口試委員(外文):Kuo, wen-pan
Chiu, Hua-Mei
Lee, Ching-Kwan
外文關鍵詞:Movement solidaritySocial movement organizationsSocial network analysisMixed methodsSunflower movement
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Under what circumstances will Taiwan’s social movement organizations(SMOs) form alliances with each other, and what are the characteristics of their alliance? Under what conditions can "Solidarity-in-movement" be achieved? Will the changes in the external political situation lead to cleavage? During the seven years from 2012 to 2018, there have been many major protests and changes in the political situation. Through research sources such as press releases and reports, this study collects the list of SMOs participating in the first six and a half years of the protests, and uses social network analysis methods to describe changes within the overall community. Taking the Sun Flower Movement (2014.3.18) and the Democratic Progressive Party's second administration (2016.5.20) as an important turning point, the overall time period was divided into three periods for observation and analysis. It was found that the second phase after the Sun Flower Movement was a period in which the overall movement was more "cross-group", and the third-phase “cross-group” connection effect was significantly reduced. The sub-groups of different topics also show different appearances. Then, through the in-depth interviews, focus interviews and related texts of the members of SMOs , we will explore the significance and specific operational mechanism of the “Solidarity-in-movement” in the historical moment of the Sun Flower Movement. Through qualitative information to enrich the actor's perception and community culture, it is found that "Solidarity-in-movement" is the key to making the cross-movements alliance "Significant". In the later period, the community has turned into a "limited" cross-movements alliance. This paper considers that " Solidarity-in-movement" is based on the cooperation of cross-movements alliances. It is not a rigid state, but in a specific historical moment, SMOs are shaped by a master frame of movement. A social cluster that transcends a single organization or movement, with emotional cohesion (not just rational resource logic) in the process. Through the diachronic quantitative network data and qualitative field interview data complement each other, this article will explain the pattern of coalition, solidarity and cleavage of Taiwan social movement organizations in the past seven years.
第一章 問題意識及研究議題 4
第二章 文獻回顧 9
第一節 台灣社會運動組織與社會網絡分析 9
第二節 社運結盟與社運團結 11
第三章 分析架構及研究方法 15
第一節 社會網絡分析方法 16
第二節 深度訪談及文本分析方法 21
第四章 社運組織網絡的變遷軌跡(2012-2018) 24
第一節 社運組織抗爭參與的趨勢變化 24
第二節 例行性事件所構成的社群生態 30
第三節 社群凝聚與局部分群 42
第四節 次群體與跨群體的合作 48
第五節 小結 54
第五章 「我們NGO」:社運團結的內涵 57
第一節 「我們NGO」的集體認同 59
第二節 結盟過程的文化規範形塑 65
第三節 太陽花佔領前的行動基礎 67
第四節 構框與社運組織結盟擴大 70
第五節 團結延續:後太陽花的高度凝聚 74
第六節 「團結外」的社群動態 78
第七節 「相忍為運動」:團結的多層次意義 81
第六章 「後團結」局勢的挑戰 87
第一節 太陽花運動:社運結盟的顯性化 89
第二節 「社運參政」:後太陽花的政黨化嘗試 93
第三節 「體制互動」:民進黨執政後的互動策略 96
第四節 「公投元年」新戰場的策略摸索 101
第五節 社運組織的資源困境及封閉特性 105
第六節 小結:「社運分歧」的風險? 110
第七章 結論與討論 112
附錄一 抗爭事件與屬性表 117
附錄二 受訪者列表 123
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