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作者(外文):Huang, Yun
論文名稱(外文):A Structural Approach to Phase Complements in Mandarin Chinese
指導教授(外文):Lin, Tzong-Hong
口試委員(外文):Liu, Chen-Sheng
Wu, Hsiao-Hung
外文關鍵詞:phase complementinner aspectlight verbdaowanhao
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本篇論文首先探討漢語動相補語的定義。動相補語在漢語中為結果複合動詞 (Resultative Verb Compound) 中的補語。在過往的文獻當中,動相補語的功能是表示結果複合動詞中第一個動詞的動作階段。其動相補語本身不具有具體的含義,請參考 Chao (1968)。動相補語只提供關於一個事件是否完成 (telicity) 的信息 (Smith 1991)。因此,它的出現會影響整個句子的型態 (aspect) 。Liao (2004) 提供三層型態結構 (Three-Layer Aspectual System) 來解釋不同層面的型態。Liao提出動相補語應屬於三層型態結構中的中間型態 (middle aspect),其對應了Travis (2006) 所提出的內部型態 (inner aspect)。在本篇論文中,我們將會討論漢語的動相補語「完」、「到」和「好」。我們將檢視結果複合動詞「V完」、「V到」和「V好」所採用的補語、主詞以及動詞。經由分析後的結果發現,動相補語「完」能表示兩種含義:完成 (finish) 和結束 (end)。動相補語「到」能表示三種含義:達到 (attain),獲得 (obtain) 和到達 (reach)。動相補語「好」能表示兩種含義:完整 (complete) 和注意 (attentive)。最後,我們將以輕動詞的方式分析動相補語 (Tseng 2014)。本篇論文提出動相補語的結構位置應位於動詞前的輕動詞,也就是內部型態。
This thesis starts with the discussion on the definition of phase complements in Mandarin Chinese. The phase complement serves as the complement of the first verb in Resultative Verb Compound in Mandarin Chinese. Previous studies show that the function of the phase complement is to denote the stage of an action in the first verb. The phase complement does not carry a concrete meaning (Chao 1968). It only provides telicity information to an action (Smith 1991). Thus, it affects the aspectual properties of a sentence. Liao (2004) provides the three-layers aspectual structure to account for the different layers of aspects. He claims that the phase complement is located at the position of the middle aspect. The middle aspect, in Liao’s term, corresponds to the inner aspect of Travis (2006). In this work, we will discuss the grammatical properties of the phase complement wan ‘finish’, dao and hao ‘complete’. We will examine the complement, the verb and the subject of the V-wan compound, the V-dao compound and the V-hao compound respectively. The result shows that the phase complement wan ‘finish’ encodes two meanings: finish and end. The phase complement dao encodes three meanings: attain, obtain and reach. The phase complement hao encodes two meanings: complete and attentive. At last, we will adopt a light verb approach (Tseng 2014) to analyze the syntactic position of phase complements. We propose that the position of phase complements is located at the pre-verbal light verb position, namely, the inner aspect.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝辭 iii
Table Of Contents iv-vi

1. Introduction 5
2. The definition of the phase complement 5
3. The aspectual properties of the phase complement 8
3.1 Situation type information 8
3.2 Viewpoint type information 10
4. The different levels of aspects 14
4.1 The inner aspect in English and Mandarin Chinese 14
4.2 The syntactic structure of inner aspect in English 17
4.3 The syntactic structure of inner aspect in Mandarin Chinese 19
5. Conclusion 22

CHAPTER 3 Wan 23
1. Introduction 23
2. The previous proposals of Wan 23
2.1 Li and Thompson (1981) 23
2.2 Smith (1991) 24
2.3 Guan (2003) 25
2.4 Summary of previous proposals 26
3. The two meanings of wan: end and finish 26
4. The complement of the V-wan compound 29
5. The transitivity of V in the V-wan compound 31
6. The agentivity of the V-wan compound 34
7. The situation types of V in the V-wan compound 38
8. The syntactic position of wan 41
9. Summary 45

CHAPTER 4 Dao 47
1. Introduction 47
2. The previous proposals of dao 47
2.1 Lu ̈ (1980) 47
2.2 Li and Thompson (1981) 50
2.3 Liu (2006) 51
2.4 Summary of the previous proposals 52
3. The three meanings of dao: attain, obtain and reach 52
3.1 The composition of the three meanings of dao 53
3.2 The target state and the result state of the three meanings of dao 58
4. The complement of the V-dao compound 60
5. The transitivity of V in the V-dao compound 62
6. The agentivity of the V-dao compound 66
7. The situation types of V in the V-dao compound 70
8. The comparison between dao and –le 73
8.1 The interpretation difference 74
8.2 The compatibility of durativity 75
8.3 The syntactic structure of –le and dao 77
9. Summary 79

CHAPTER 5 Hao 81
1. Introduction 81
2. The previous proposals of hao 81
2.1 Lu ̈ (1980) 81
2.2 Li and Thompson (1981) 82
2.3 Gao (2011) 83
2.4 Summary of previous proposals 85
3. The two meanings of hao: complete and attentive 85
4. The complement of the V-hao compound 90
5. The transitivity of V in the V-hao compound 92
6. The agentivity of the V-hao compound 96
7. The situation types of V in the V-hao compound 99
8. The syntactic position of hao 102
9. Summary 105

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