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作者(外文):Sie, Yi-Sin
論文名稱(外文):Lexical and Sublexical Processing Factors in L2 English Auditory Word Learning
指導教授(外文):Chen, Tsung-Ying
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Chun-Chieh
Chou, Chao-ting
外文關鍵詞:phonotactic probabilityneighborhood densityword learningword frequencymemory consolidation
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The study aimed to reassess the effects of neighborhood density (ND) and phonotactic probability (PP) on L2 novel word learning and took more lexical factors of L2 word learning into account to seek further understanding of their effects, including token frequency of the L1 Chinese translation, memory consolidation and the interaction of these variables across two test sessions. Unlike previous research largely based on learning a small set of phonologically novel words, we adopted an experiment design for regression analysis with randomly selected word items for a better understanding of the continuous factors facilitating or inhibiting the word learning process of EFL learners. In the training session, one hundred low-frequency target L2 English words were auditorily presented with their L1 Chinese translation visually presented at the same time to L2 English learners aged 20 and above as participants. Two tests immediately following the training session and on a separate day were then administered to test auditory recognition and production of newly learned target words. In the test sessions of recognition-based test, each target word was paired with a phonologically similar competitor for the participants to match the correct target word and the corresponding L1 Chinese translation. In the production-based test, the participants were asked to produce the correct L2 auditory form that matched its L1 translation on the screen as quickly as possible. Results showed the lack of a significant L2 PP effect but a significant effect of low-L2-ND advantage in learning L2 auditory word forms with L1 translation and a low-L2-ND disadvantage for retaining L2 auditory word forms over time in the recognition test. In the production task, we found an interaction between the L2 PP and L2 ND effects on completely correct responses. The theoretical and pedagogical implication of these findings for L2 word learning were discussed.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Variables in L1 and L2 Auditory Word Processing and Learning 4
2.1 Phonotactic Probability 10
2.2 Neighborhood Density 15
2.3 The role of phonotactic probability and neighborhood density in L1 and L2 word learning 17
2.4 Neighborhood density effect in lexical consolidation 20
2.5 L1 lexicon in L2 word learning 21
2.6 The significance of this study and research questions 25
Chapter 3 Methodology 28
3.1 Recognition-based test 28
3.1.1 Participants 28
3.1.2 Materials 28
3.1.3 Procedure 30
3.2 Production-based test 33
3.2.1 Participants 33
3.2.2 Procedure 33
Chapter 4 Experiment Results 35
4.1 Auditory Word Recognition 35
4.1.1 Accuracy Rate 35
4.1.2 Response Latency 40
4.1.3 Correct Response Consistency 48
4.2 Auditory Word Production 51
4.2.1 Consistency in completely correct production 52
4.2.2 Partially correct production of correct response consistency 56
Chapter 5 Discussion 59
5.1 The Effect of L2 Phonotactic Probability 59
5.2 The Effect of L2 Neighborhood Density 61
5.3 The Interaction between L2 Phonotactic Probability and Neighborhood Density 63
5.4 The Effects of Lexical Variables of L1 Translation 64
5.5 The Effect of Memory Consolidation 67
5.6 The Effect of the Presentation Order of L2 Auditory Targets and Their Lexical Competitors 68
5.7 Pedagogical Implications 69
Chapter 6 Conclusion 72
References 74
Appendices 84
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