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作者(外文):Sun, Aileen Y.
論文名稱(外文):A Fundamental Study on Substrate-induced Near-field Plasmonics of Metal Nanoparticles for Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
指導教授(外文):Wan, Dehui
口試委員(外文):Chen, Hsuen-Li
Ko, Fu-Hsiang
外文關鍵詞:localized surface plasmon resonancesubstrate-induced plasmonicsimage dipolethree-dimensional finite-difference time domainsurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
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  • 評分評分:*****
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貴重金屬奈米粒子的局域性表面電漿共振(localized surface plasmon resonance, LSPR)發生時,能在其表面產生電場,此電場能與貴重金屬基材(如金或銀)之薄膜耦合,使電場強度獲得大幅增益。在本論文中,我們利用三維時域有限差分法 (three-dimensional finite-difference time domain, 3D-FDTD) 進行光學模擬分析,探討銀及金奈米粒子在不同金屬、半導體及介電材料上的近場光學行為。我們發現除一般認知的貴重金屬外,非貴重金屬如鋁及銅等基材,甚至半導體材料如矽,皆能與奈米粒子耦合,使奈米粒子與基材間隙耦合的電場增強。其中,銀奈米粒子與鋁基材所誘發的電場,其強度與銀基材誘發之電場強度匹敵,而金奈米粒子則能和銅基材產生強度與金基材匹配之電場。除不同金屬奈米粒子與基材組合之探討,我們也調控奈米粒子之大小及其環境折射率。隨奈米粒子尺寸增大,奈米粒子能在基材內產生的影像電荷體積越大,耦合所誘發之電場也越強。而隨奈米粒子與基材所處的環境折射率上升,奈米粒子與基材產生耦合的波段除逐漸紅移,所產生之電場強度以及局域性之電場範圍也有明顯增益。因此,除了透過選用不同奈米粒子及基材組合,使得強電場強之波段能從390 nm調控至600 nm;搭配不同的粒子大小及環境折射率,亦可擴大強電場之波段可調性。
除模擬分析外,本研究也將銀奈米粒子自組裝在不同基材上,並量測不同偏振態入射光的變角度反射光譜,觀察s偏振及p偏振光隨入射角度增大造成遠場光譜的差異。最後,我們利用拉曼散射標的分子羅丹明(rhodamine 6G, R6G)、腎功能指標分子基酸酐(creatinine)、食物新鮮度指標生物胺分子組織胺(histamine)以及極紫外光微影技術中的汙染物對丁基苯環(tert-butylbenzene)的拉曼光譜訊號增益來展示銀奈米粒子和基材耦合所誘發之電場增益。
In this thesis, we systematically investigated the fundamental optical properties of plasmonic nanoparticles utilizing the three-dimensional finite-difference time domain (3D-FDTD) method. The localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) property of plasmonic nanoparticles has been known to couple with noble metal substrates, such as silver and gold films, to induce a strong electric field (E field) enhancement at the nanoparticle-substrate (NP-S) gap. In this study, we compared various metal, semiconducting, and dielectric substrate combinations to examine the effect of substrate material on the NP-S coupling of silver nanoparticle (AgNP) and gold nanoparticle (AuNP). In particular, for AgNP, the aluminum and silicon substrates can produce considerably strong E field enhancement, with aluminum inducing an E field enhancement comparable in intensity to that induced by a silver substrate. Besides, for AuNP, a copper substrate was able to produce and E field intensity nearly as large as those induced by noble metal films. By altering the nanoparticle size, NP-S coupling could be enhanced as the nanoparticle increased in size, resulting from larger volume of image charges that allowed for NP-S coupling. Furthermore, the effect of environmental refractive index was observed: the NP-S coupling wavelength redshifted, along with the increase in the local E field intensity at the NP-S gap and enlargement of strong E field distribution. The different combinations of substrate material and nanoparticle composition allowed the enhanced E field to occur over a wide spectral range from 390 to 600 nm. By taking into account the effects of nanoparticle size and environmental refractive index, the tunable spectral range can be further expanded. This is an important feature as a variety of combinations can be chosen for the desired E field enhancement specific to particular applications.
In additional to theoretical simulations, AgNPs were immobilized on Al and Si substrates and their variable angle reflectance spectra were obtained for the experimental demonstrations of NP-S coupling at the far-field. Dramatic differences between s- and p-polarized reflectance at high incidence angles were observed, indicating greater NP-S interaction for p-polarized incidence. Finally, Raman spectroscopy of rhodamonie 6G (R6G, a common Raman signal probe), creatinine (kidney health indicator), histamine (a biogenic amine used as food freshness indicator), and tert-butylbenzene [extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography contaminant] were measured with aluminum or silicon substrates immobilized with AgNPs, to experimentally demonstrate the enhanced Raman signals contributed from the significant E fields of NP-S coupling.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
Table of Contents V
List of Figures VIII
List of Tables XVI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Thesis Structure 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 3
2.1 Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Metal Nanoparticles 3
2.1.1 Dipolar Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Metal Nanoparticles 3
2.1.2 Quadrupolar Surface Plasmon Resonance of Metal Nanoparticles 6
2.1.3 Coupling between Localized Surface Plasmons of Metal Nanoparticles 8
2.1.4 Coupling between Localized Surface Plasmons of Metal Nanoparticles and Substrates 12
2.2 Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy 17
2.2.1 Background and Principle 17
2.2.2 Applications 20
Chapter 3 Utilizing the Extraordinary Electric Field Enhancement Arising from Non-noble Metal Substrate-induced Interfacial Plasmonics with Metal Nanoparticles for Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) 23
3.1 Purpose of Work 23
3.2 Experimental Methods 24
3.2.1 Materials 24
3.2.2 Instrumentation 24
3.2.3 Procedures 25 Optical Simulation 25 Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) 26 Immobilization of Silver Nanoparticle Arrays on Metals and Semiconductors 26 Raman Spectroscopy 26
3.3 Results and Discussion 27
3.3.1 Effect of Substrate Material on Nanoparticle-substrate Coupling 27 Silver Nanoparticle in Free Space 28 Silver Nanoparticle on Metal Substrates 30 Silver Nanoparticle on Semiconducting and Dielectric Substrates 38
3.3.2 Effect of Nanoparticle Composition on Nanoparticle-substrate Coupling 41 Gold Nanoparticle in Free Space 42 Gold Nanoparticle on Metal Substrates 43 Gold Nanoparticle on Semiconducting and Dielectric Substrates 47 Comparison between Silver and Gold Nanoparticle on Different Substrates 51
3.3.3 Effect of Nanoparticle Size on Nanoparticle-substrate Coupling 53
3.3.4 Effect of Environmental Refractive Index on Nanoparticle-substrate Coupling 56
3.3.5 Effect of Incidence Polarization on Nanoparticle-substrate Coupling 62
3.3.6 AgNPs on Metal/Dielectric Substrates for Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy 66 SERS Spectra of Rhodamine 6G on AgNPs on Metal and Dielectric Substrates 66 SERS Detection of Creatinine on AgNPs on Al Substrate 68 SERS Detection of Biogenic Amines on AgNPs on Al Substrate 69 SERS Detection of Tert-butylbenzene on AgNPs on Si Substrate 71
3.4 Summary 73
Chapter 4. Conclusion 75
4.1 Summary of Work 75
4.2 Future Work and Prospects 75
References 76
Publications and Awards List 84
A. Journal Papers 84
B. Conference Papers 84
C. Awards and Honors 85

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