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作者(外文):Mai, Hsuan-Ying
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Cancellation method of Laser interference lithography Vibration defects caused by environment Vibration
指導教授(外文):Fu, Chien-Chung
口試委員(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
Lan, Yu-Pin
外文關鍵詞:laser interference lithographyMoire patternoptical choppervibration
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  • 點閱點閱:532
  • 評分評分:*****
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雷射干涉微影(Laser interference lithography)為一種利用光干涉原理進行微影的技術,雷射干涉微影具有不需光罩、成本低、線寬小且可以一次進行大面積曝光等優點。雷射干涉微影在製作奈米級週期性結構的微影方法中是非常具競爭力的,且雷射干涉微影系統依分光方式可分為兩種,分別為振幅分割法與波前分割法。
本研究將此類缺陷定義為莫爾條紋缺陷,且依據其振動方向不同分為旋轉莫爾條紋缺陷(Moiré of rotated pattern)與平行莫爾條紋缺陷(Moiré of parallel pattern),在本研究中主要針對在實驗中較常出現的旋轉莫爾條紋缺陷進行分析與消除,為了重現旋轉莫爾條紋缺陷,本研究利用壓電平台作為模擬的振動源推動曝光平台進行微影製程,利用給定不同振幅製造出不同週期之莫爾條紋並進行分析。接著為了能夠成功的消除旋轉莫爾條紋缺陷,本研究利用截波器系統搭配適當空占比的扇葉進行振動訊號的振幅遮擋以消除旋轉莫爾條紋缺陷,期望利用此套系統解決環境振動對於雷射干涉微影曝光結果之影響。
The main advantages of laser interference lithography (LIL) are a simple optical system with no mask requirements and a large patterning area in a single exposure. These characteristics make LIL suitable for creating nanoscale periodic structures. However, the exposure process in LIL is very sensitive, and therefore, defects can be caused even by slight environmental vibrations.
Environmental vibrations, such as those caused by a fan filter unit or cooling fan, cannot be avoided. Therefore, this study analyzed the type of defects that can occur in LIL; the defects are categorized into vertical moiré fringe defects and parallel moiré fringe defects. On the basis of the aforementioned defects, we defined the allowable vibration angle for an exposure area of a certain size to avoid defects.
In addition, we propose a method for eliminating the environmental vibrations. To ensure reproducible defects, we used specific vibration sources in a piezo stage to perform the exposure process. Subsequently, we used an optical chopper system to modulate light from a continuous laser beam. The frequencies of the chopping laser beam and the vibration signals were matched to eliminate the vibrations and thereby improve the yield of the exposure process.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 微影(LITHOGRAPHY) 2
1.2.2 雷射干涉微影種類 8
1.2.3 雷射干涉微影產能及良率增進 12
1.2.4 振動缺陷解決方法 16
1.3 研究動機 19
1.4 論文架構 20
第二章 研究原理介紹 21
2.1 基本原理 21
2.1.1 干涉原理 21
2.1.2 振動莫爾條紋缺陷種類 22
2.1.3 定義容許振動量與振動缺陷消除方法 27
2.2 振動狀態模擬分析 31
2.2.1 旋轉莫爾條紋模擬方法 32
2.2.2 LLOYD’S MIRROR系統旋轉莫爾條紋曝光結果模擬 33
2.2.3 多光束系統旋轉莫爾條紋曝光結果模擬 37
2.3 光學系統設計 47
2.3.1 LLOYD’S MIRROR 光路架設 47
2.3.2 振動源系統設計 48
第三章 實驗設備與程序 50
3.1 實驗流程 50
3.2 實驗材料與設備介紹 51
3.3 實驗內容 52
3.3.1 旋轉莫爾條紋缺陷重現實驗 52
3.3.2 LLOYD’S MIRROR系統旋轉莫爾條紋缺陷消除實驗 53
3.3.3 多光束系統應用實驗 55
第四章 實驗結果與討論 56
4.1 旋轉莫爾條紋缺陷重現實驗結果 56
4.2 LLOYD’S MIRROR系統旋轉莫爾條紋缺陷消除實驗結果 60
4.3 多光束系統旋轉莫爾條紋缺陷消除實驗結果 65
第五章 結論與未來規劃 67
5.1 結論 67
5.2 未來規劃 68
第六章 參考文獻 69
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