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作者(外文):Ting, Hsin-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Solving Single Row Facility Layout Problem With Simplified Swarm Optimization
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Wei-Chang
外文關鍵詞:simplified swarm optimizationsingle row facility layout problempermutation optimizationparticle swarm optimizationgenetic algorithm
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單列機台布置問題(Single Row Facility Layout Problem, SRFLP)是一個排列問題,其目的是要在一條走道的一側,安排數個長度不等的長方型機台,而兩兩機台間有著已經事前給定的物流量,而研究者要想辦法找出最適當的機台排列,使得兩兩機台間的物流量乘上其距離的總和能夠最小。也因為單列機台布置能被應用在非常多不同的實際情境當中,因此在學術界多年來也透過許多不同的研究方法來想辦法獲得更好的求解方式,以增加在生產現場的效率以及降低搬運成本。
而在本文研究中,我們使用一個新穎、方便、高效率的啟發式演算法,名為簡化群演算法(Simplified Swarm Optimization, SSO),去對廣大的可行解空間進行全域搜索,再加上特別針對單列機台布置所設計的區域搜尋機制,以加強演算法在搜尋過程當中的求解品質,同時我們也導入一個逃脫門檻,能夠避免粒子在搜尋過程當中掉入區域最佳解,或是被困在無效的搜索空間當中。
Single Row Facility Layout Problem (SRFLP) is a permutation problem which has been widely studied in the academic field in order to improve the efficiency on production site. The main purpose of SRFLP is to find an optimal permutation of a number of rectangular facilities with given material flows between each facility, in order to obtain the minimum total cost by arranging them along a straight line.
Since SRFLP has already been proven to be a NP-Complete problem, it is irrational to expect to obtain the global optimal solution by exhaustive methods, therefore the recent researches of SRFLP have therefore been adopted to heuristic algorithms in order to obtain an optimal or a near optimal solution within acceptable CPU time.
In this paper, we use a novel, efficient heuristic algorithm called Simplified Swarm Optimization algorithm (SSO), with an effective local search mechanism, and other optimizational techniques to find the near-optimal solution for SRFLP within acceptable time.
With a comparison to the computational results of two benchmark problem sets from the previous studies, it is shown that our proposed method has better efficiency in solving SRFLP, without sacrifice the effectiveness of the algorithm.
摘要............................. I
英文摘要......................... II
目錄............................. III
圖目錄............................ V
表目錄............................ VI
第一章、 研究介紹.................. 1
1.1 研究背景和動機 ................ 1
1.2 研究目的 ...................... 4
1.3 研究架構 ...................... 4
1.4 研究結果 ...................... 5
第二章、 文獻回顧................... 6
2.1 單列機台布置問題 ............... 6
2.2 簡化群演算法的發展 ..............8
2.3 文獻總結 ...................... 9
第三章、 問題組成................... 10
3.1 符號縮寫 ...................... 10
3.2 問題模型與適應函數 ............. 10
第四章、 研究方法................... 12
4.1 粒子編碼方式 ................... 12
4.2 簡化群演算法 ................... 12
4.3 區域搜尋 ....................... 16
4.4 粒子逃脫機制 ................... 17
4.5 參數設定 ....................... 18
4.6 研究方法總結 .................... 25
第五章、 實驗結果與分析 .............. 27
5.1 小樣本問題 ...................... 27
5.2 大樣本問題 ...................... 28
5.3 實驗總結 ........................ 31
第六章、 結論與未來研究方向 ........... 33
6.1 結論 ............................ 33
6.2 未來研究方向 ..................... 34
參考文獻.............................. 35
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