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作者(外文):Tai, An-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Information Display Evaluation of Augmented Reality Based Machine Assisted Operation Instruction System on Smart Glasses
指導教授(外文):Wang, Mao-Jiun
Lu, Jun-Ming
口試委員(外文):Wu, Hsin-Chieh
Kang, Yen-Yu
外文關鍵詞:step-promptsystem usability scalesense of immersionworkload
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由於智慧型眼鏡近期才備受矚目,過往關於其在資訊顯示模式和融入感等問題之研究較少,故本研究將擴增實境技術和智慧型眼鏡整合,應用於輔助機台操作上,進行擴增實境資訊顯示模式之評估。實驗將資訊顯示模式設定為「文字說明」、「動作圖示」、「文字說明加動作圖示」等三種,加以有無提示下一步驟方位之設定,共有6種組合。本研究共招募30位(15男15女,年齡21至30歲)研究參與者,研究參與者需配戴智慧型眼鏡(Epson BT-200)、透過以Unity 5.4開發之擴增實境輔助系統操作一料架矯直送料機台(TOMAC TLN2-300),使用六種不同資訊顯示模式分別完成一次共14個步驟的操作流程。過程中將蒐集任務完成時間、錯誤次數等客觀績效指標,主觀感受則包括NASA-TLX工作負荷量表、融入感問卷及SUS系統使用性量表,藉以找出較適之資訊顯示模式。
With the advance of technology, the way how people are trained to operate machines has been changed from face-to-face instruction or paper manual to computerized instruction. As wearable devices are developing rapidly recently, there are more and more training given through the use of wearable devices. The wearable devices include head-mounted displays, smart gloves, smart watches, and etc. Moreover, smart glasses are one of the most popular head-mounted displays, which have the features of hands-free, high immersion and see-through display. In addition, with the application of the techniques of Augmented Reality (AR), smart glasses promote the efficiency and flexibility of training significantly.
Because smart glasses have attracted extensive attention in recent years, there are few studies addressing the issues of application of AR, information display and immersion. In this study, the smart glasses integrated with the AR technology were applied to the instruction of machine operation as well as investigating the usability. There were three forms of information display considered including text, animated image, and text along with animated image. Each form of information display was provided with or without a prompt for the next step. As a result, there were six combinations. There were 15 males and 15 females between 21-30 years old participating in the experiment. The participants are required to wear the Epson BT-200 smart glasses with different combination of information display to complete the operational process of 14 steps by manipulating the TOMAC TLN2-300 machine. The completion time, number of errors and subjective measures including NASA-TLX, SUS and sense of immersion were collected in the experiment, so as to identify the better combination of information display.
Results showed that the information display had significant influence on number of errors and SUS scores. Participants using the text along with animated image and only text information display had better performance. Besides, participants who are provided with a prompt for the next step had better performance in terms of completion time, workload and SUS scores. Considering subjective and objective indexes, the study concluded that information display of text along with animated image was the best. This study also suggests that the text presented should be concise, and can only be used in describing confusing animated image. Furthermore, it is better to append arrows which can prompt the direction of next step to decrease the workload of users, shorten the completing time and enhance the system usability.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 頭戴式顯示器 5
2.2 擴增實境 7
2.2.1 擴增實境的定義 7
2.2.2 擴增實境的實例與應用 8
2.2.3 擴增實境介面 10
2.3 融入感 11
2.4 工作負荷 12
2.5 系統使用性 13
2.6 性別 14
2.7 小結 15
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1 實驗材料與設備 16
3.1.1 實驗材料 16
3.1.2 實驗設備 18
3.2 實驗設計 21
3.2.1 擴增實境介面開發 22
3.2.2 自變項 23
3.2.3 依變項 25
3.2.4 控制變項 27
3.3 研究參與者資料 27
3.4 實驗流程 27
3.5 統計方法 30
第四章 研究結果 31
4.1 完成時間 32
4.2 錯誤次數 33
4.3 系統使用性量表 34
4.4 融入感問卷 36
4.5 NASA-TLX工作負荷量表 36
第五章 討論 38
5.1 性別結果比較 38
5.2 資訊顯示模式結果比較 41
5.3 步驟提示結果比較 42
5.4 資訊顯示模式之綜合討論 43
5.5 智慧眼鏡結合擴增實境系統與傳統方式、操作任務之比較 46
5.6 實驗設備限制與環境限制 46
第六章 結論與建議 48
6.1結論 48
6.2 建議 49
參考文獻 50
附錄一、融入感問卷 55
附錄二、系統使用性量表 56
附錄三、NASA-TLX工作負荷量表 57
附錄四、Marker一覽 58
附錄五、機台操作流程 59

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