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作者(外文):Shen, Che-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Minimize Motion Energy Consumption of 5-Axis CNC Machine Tool via Process Planning
指導教授(外文):Chu, Chih-Hsing
口試委員(外文):Kao, Yung-Chou
Hsieh, Ping-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:5-Axis Machine ToolFlank MachiningTool Path PlanningEnergy Consumption
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  • 點閱點閱:531
  • 評分評分:*****
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Five-axis machining has been commonly used to produce complex components in automobile, aerospace, mold, and energy industries. The operation power consumed by a 5-axis machine tool for manufacturing large parts can be fairly substantial. The total energy amount accumulating over time becomes excessive especially for those parts of an extended product lifecycle. Any attempts to reduce the energy consumption in this case, even though the absolute saving seems marginal, may contribute greatly to the environment in a long run. For this purpose, this paper presents a preliminary study on reducing the kinematic energy consumed by a 5-axis CNC machine in a flank milling operation. We first demonstrate the differences in the energy spent by three tool path planning methods: (1) proceeding with a tilt angle, (2) interpolating between two cutter locations, and (3) setting each cutter location a corresponding tilt angle. Optimization schemes are then applied to adjust the tool paths in the last two methods for minimizing the kinematic energy, subject to the kinematic constraints on each motion axis. A simulation program implementing inverse kinematics (IKT) is developed to help visualize how different tool path planning influences the energy consumption of a 5-axis CNC machine while preforming the same machining task. The simulation results have validated the feasibility of reducing energy consumption in 5-axis flank machining via automatic tool path planning.
摘要 2
Abstract 3
誌謝詞 4
目錄 5
圖目錄 8
表目錄 9
第一章 緒論 10
1.1 研究背景 10
1.2 研究方法與目的 11
1.3 研究架構 14
第二章 文獻探討 15
第三章 五軸加工與能量消耗 20
3.1 五軸加工的輸入產生與處理 20
3.2 五軸加工產生的能耗 21
3.3 座標系定義與逆運動轉換 23
3.4 機構運動能耗之探討 24
3.4.1 機構運動能耗之計算 25
3.4.2 計算之假設與限制 26
3.5小結 27
第四章 刀具路徑對能耗影響之探討 29
4.1 計算之規劃流程 29
4.2 刀具路徑之生成與運動策略之設計 29
4.2.1 刀具位置之表示式 30
4.2.2 刀具運動策略的設計 30
4.3 切削誤差定義與估算 32
4.4 應用之演算法介紹 33
4.5 最佳化結果與分析 37
4.5.1 設計之工件曲面介紹 37
4.5.2 刀具運動策略一:所有刀具位置之前傾角均為固定角度 39
4.5.3 刀具運動策略二:設定頭、尾刀具位置之前傾角 42
4.5.4 刀具運動策略三:個別調整所有刀具位置之前傾角 51
4.6 小結 54
第五章、工件擺置對能耗影響之探討 56
5.1 計算之規劃流程 56
5.2 工件擺置之參數設計 56
5.3 應用之演算法介紹 57
5.4 最佳化工件擺置之計算結果與分析 60
5.5 模擬軟體之使用目的與介紹 68
5.6 小結 71
第六章、結論與未來展望 72
參考資料 75
附錄 77
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