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作者(外文):Li, Xuan Kai
論文名稱(外文):Patent Road-Map Discovery and Competitive Advantages: The Case of Smart Retailing and its Logistics Service Innovation
指導教授(外文):Trappey, Amy J. C.
Trappey, Charles V.
外文關鍵詞:smart retailingtechnology roadmappatent portfolio valuation
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在工業4.0中,物聯網(IoT)是智慧零售一個重要面向。智慧零售中使用許多物聯網的整合技術,例如無線射頻識別系統(RFID)、無線感測器網路(WSN)和雲端運算,用以幫助追蹤物流過程以及顧客資訊的整合,和提高決策的精準度、靈活性和即時性。本研究專注在分析智慧零售及其物流服務中採用物聯網技術的相關專利技術,並以此進行案例研究。本研究將智慧零售模式分為四個層級(物流服務、電子支付服務、資訊整合服務以及銷售服務),並以此為架構建立智慧零售的本體論。此外本研究還開發了一種結合本體論的專利路徑圖繪製方法。在進行專利檢索後,透過探勘每篇專利原文與Derwent World Patent Index (DWPI)加值專利內容之關鍵字詞,與本體論詞庫作進一步之比對媒合,將每篇專利歸入本體論的類別當中,以便將技術路徑圖視覺化。藉著技術路徑圖所呈現的結果,可以探索專利組合及其對應之商業模式。最後利用本研究提出的專利價值指標來衡量企業間的相對競爭優勢。本研究針對智慧零售的產業領導者(Amazon)與其中國之競爭者(阿里巴巴)進行案例分析。藉著使用技術路徑圖,該公司和物聯網相關的智慧零售之專利可以被視覺化,以便分析其專利佈局趨勢,預測其商業策略,並可透過專利價值指標比較企業與其競爭對手的相對優勢,希望能將成果供國內相關產業參考。
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an important technology of smart retailing, which uses many networking technologies, such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), and cloud computing to help track the logistics process, integrate customers’ information, and improve the accuracy, flexibility, and immediacy of decision making. This study analyzes the technologies related to the IoT in smart retailing and its logistics services, and divides the smart retailing model into four sub-items (logistics services, e-transaction services, information integration services, and sales services), and constructs the ontology of smart retailing. In addition, this study also develops a method which combines the ontology to draw patent roadmaps. After conducting the patent search, in order to visualize the technology roadmap, each patent is classified into the ontology by the keywords of the original patent and the DWPI patent. Through the results of the patent roadmap, the study can explore the patent portfolio and its corresponding business model. Finally, using the patent portfolio valuation proposed in this study to measure the competitive advantages among enterprises. This study examines the industry leader in smart retailing (Amazon) and its competitor in China (Alibaba). By using the patent roadmap, the company's patents related to smart retailing can be visualized. Therefore, it is easy to analyze the trends of a company and forecast a company’s business strategies. Afterwards, compare the comparative advantages of a firm with its competitors through the patent portfolio valuation. It is expected that the relevant industries can refer to the analysis results conducted in the study.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 4
1.3 研究流程與步驟 5
二、 文獻回顧 7
2.1 智慧零售及物流之定義與發展 7
2.1.1 零售服務 7
2.1.2 物流服務 9
2.2 與智慧零售服務相關之工業4.0和IoT的技術及標準 13
2.2.1 感知層—無線射頻識別系統(RFID) 14
2.2.2 網路層—無線感測器網路(WSN) 15
2.2.3 應用層—雲端運算(Cloud Computing) 16
2.3 本體論 16
2.4 技術路徑圖 18
2.5 專利評估指標 19
2.5.1 被引證次數 20
2.5.2 專利家族數 20
2.5.3 專利發明人數 21
2.5.4 專利權利項數 21
2.5.5 專利應用範圍的文字長度 21
2.5.6 技術生命週期(Technology Cycle Time,TCT) 22
2.5.7 科學關聯性(Science Linkage,SL) 22
三、 研究方法 23
3.1 建構智慧零售本體論與詞庫 24
3.2 專利文件蒐集 31
3.3 資料探勘 34
3.4 以本體論為基之技術路徑圖 38
3.5 專利價值管理圖 39
四、 案例分析與探討 44
4.1 軟體需求 44
4.2 專利檢索 45
4.3 案例分析 48
五、 結論與未來展望 59
5.1 結論 59
5.2 未來展望 60
六、 參考文獻 62
附錄A、Amazon之專利清單 81
附錄B、Alibaba之專利清單 86
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