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作者(外文):Hsieh, Yi-Ying
論文名稱(外文):A Product Acceptance Determination Approach for Weibull Lifetime Products under Type II Right Censored Samples
指導教授(外文):Wu, Chien-Wei
外文關鍵詞:Lifetime sampling planLifetime performance indexLifetime testWeibull distibutionType II right censored dataRepetitive group sampling plan
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In this competitive market which is filled with various products, the quality of an item become the critical factor for consumers. For electronic products, lifetime is the best index to describe how good is the quality. Besides, in order to measure the lot quality, acceptance sampling plan is implemented. With acceptance sampling plan, testers can make an acceptance or rejection decision in a short time. Moreover, since the lifetime of electronic products usually follows a non-normal distribution, we focus on Weibull distribution in this research. In addition, because it is not practical to observe all the lifetime data from a lot, type II right censored data are used to develop an acceptance sampling plan. This research aims at developing two kinds of life-test sampling plan: single sampling plan and repetitive group sampling plan, for Weibull distributed product. This research not only solves the mathematical model under different parameter conditions but also tabulate the outcomes for future use. With the tables, users can look up the sample size and critical value they need easily. In addition, we provide two examples for two different lifetime sampling plans, to illustrate the process of the sampling plans. In the end, we develop an operating platform which users can use to analyze data and sentence the lot.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與方法 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 6
2.1 驗收抽樣計畫 6
2.1.1 計數型與計量型抽樣計畫 7
2.1.2 驗收抽樣計畫之方式 8
2.1.3 驗收抽樣計畫之績效衡量 11
2.2 製程能力指標 14
2.3 壽命績效指標 16
2.4 產品壽命資料適用之分配 17
2.4.1 韋伯分配 18
2.4.2 壽命資料的其他分配 20
2.5 壽命試驗及樣本資料型態 21
2.5.1 設限樣本 21
2.5.2 型二右設限樣本 23
2.6 韋伯分配下之壽命績效指標 24
2.6.1 韋伯分配壽命資料之壽命績效指標 24
2.6.2 產品壽命績效指標與產品良率間的關係 25
第三章 韋伯產品壽命的型二右設限樣本資料之單次壽命檢定計畫 26
3.1 型二右設限樣本資料之壽命績效指標估計式 26
3.2 型二右設限樣本資料之單次壽命檢定計畫 29
3.2.1 單次抽樣檢定計畫 29
3.2.2 產品貨批的允收機率 31
3.2.3 單次壽命檢定計畫參數之數學模型 32
3.2.4 數學模型之求解與結果分析 33
3.3 單次壽命檢定程序 36
3.4 案例分析 37
第四章 韋伯產品壽命的型二右設限樣本資料之重複群集壽命檢定計畫 42
4.1 重複群集抽樣計畫設計設計概念與操作流程 42
4.2 型二右設限樣本之重複群集壽命檢定計畫 44
4.2.1 產品貨批之允收機率 44
4.2.2 重複群集壽命檢定計畫參數之數學模型 45
4.2.3 數學模型之求解與結果分析 46
4.3 重複群集壽命檢定程序 50
4.4 案例分析 50
第五章 結論與未來研究 55
5.1 結論 55
5.2 未來研究方向 56
參考文獻 58

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