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作者(外文):Kuo, Yi-Hsin
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Multi-Model Assembly Line Balancing Problem for TFT-LCD Module Process
指導教授(外文):Chen, Jiang-Liang
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yin-Yann
Chen, Tzu-Li
外文關鍵詞:thin film transistor-liquid crystal displaymulti-model assembly line balancingmodule processtwo-phase adaptive genetic algorithmresponse surface method
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在薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器 (Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display, TFT-LCD) 產業中,模組(Module)製程相對於陣列(Array)、彩色濾光片(Color Filter)及組立(Cell)製程而言,許多程序不易自動化,是勞力密集的製程。另外,由於模組製程會同時在生產線上生產組裝不同產品族之產品,因而被視為多產品批次模型的組裝線。因此,若在模組製程上做整合性的安排,以及推動線平衡,可以減少人力資源的使用及增加生產線效率。本研究考慮TFT-LCD模組廠生產的實際特性,包括多技能員工與技能熟練度等,求解多產品批次模型裝配線平衡問題 (Multi-Model Assembly Line Balancing, MuMALB),提出了新的數學模型來安排工作站、任務、人力、及設備。此外,將以模組廠生產數據進行演算法參數設定,搭配實驗設計分析及反應曲面法驗證兩階段適應性基因演算法之績效。本研究結合理論研究與實務應用,發展兩階段適應性基因演算法,希望有效提升模組製程效率並降低成本,進而提升我國TFT-LCD產業的國際競爭力。
In the Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) industry, the module process is labor intensive, as it is more difficult to apply automation to this process, compared with Array, Color filter, and Cell processes. In addition, module process is considered a multi-model assembly line, which means several models from a basic product family are manufactured simultaneously. Therefore, a module process with integrated arrangement and line-balancing can reduce labor requirement and increase production efficiency. This research considered several practical characteristics of the TFT-LCD module process, including multi-skilled operators and operator efficiency, to solve a multi-model assembly line balancing (MuMALB) problem. A new mathematical model was proposed to arrange labors, tasks, workstations, and machines. Furthermore, data from the TFT-LCD module factories were used to evaluate the performance of heuristic two-phase adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA) based on experimental design and response surface method. This study integrated theoretical research and practical application to develop a heuristic two-phase AGA for assembly line balancing problem for the TFT-LCD module process. Hence, the efficiency could be improved, and the cost could be reduced, which would ultimately improve the global competitiveness of TFT-LCD manufacturers of our country.
List of Tables............................................VI
List of Figures...........................................VIII
Chapter 1: Introduction...................................10
1.1 Background............................................10
1.2 Objectives............................................13
1.3 Research Method.......................................13
1.4 Organization of Thesis................................15
Chapter 2: Literature Review..............................16
2.1 Assembly Line Balancing Problem (ALBP)................16
2.2 Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem (ALWABP)..................................................21
2.3 Genetic Algorithm (GA)................................23
Chapter 3: Problem Definition.............................26
3.1 Problem Statement.....................................26
3.2 Assumptions and Notations.............................31
3.3 Problem Formulation...................................33
3.4 Model Validation......................................36
Chapter 4:Methodology.....................................38
4.1 Multi-Model Assembly Line Balancing (MuMALB) Solution Module ..........................................................38
4.2 Two-Phase Adaptive Genetic Algorithm (AGA) Approach...39
4.2.1 Phase 1: Priority Rule-Based Method (PRBM)..........39
4.2.2 Phase 2: Heuristic AGA..............................43
4.3 Response Surface Methodology (RSM)....................51
4.4 Response Surface Design...............................55
Chapter 5: Computational Study............................57
5.1 Illustrated Example...................................57
5.1.1 Information of Simple Case..........................57
5.1.2 Information of Complex Case.........................63
5.2 Parameter Setting and Result of RSM...................65
5.3 Comparison between Methodologies......................71
5.4 Application of Complex Case...........................77
5.5 Parameter Setting of System...........................78
Chapter 6: Conclusion.....................................82
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