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作者(外文):Tung, Kuan-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Parallel Computation Dynamic Programming for Solving Order Selection and Scheduling Problems
指導教授(外文):Hung, Yi-Feng
口試委員(外文):Wu, Chien-Wei
Lee, Yu-Ching
Lee, Jenq-Kuen
外文關鍵詞:throughput maximization problemproduction schedulingorder selection and schedulingbranch-and-bounddynamic programmingOpenMP
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此篇研究所探討的問題同時考慮訂單選擇(order selection)與生產排程(production scheduling)。在排程的文獻裡,一筆訂單可視為一個工件。各個工件有其各自的可加工時間(ready date)、交期(due date)、所需加工時間(processing time)和權重(weight)。對於一個工件而言,只能被挑選在可加工時間到工件交期的時段內加工或是被拒絕。因此,一個工件不能被分段加工。此研究的目的在於工件的選擇與排程以最大化所選工件權重總和,以往文獻將此類型問題稱為產出最大化問題(throughput maximization problem)。
針對此問題,本篇研究利用三種不同方法求解並比較其效率,分別為(1)混和整數規劃(mixed integer programming);(2)動態規劃法(dynamic programming)和(3)平行動態規劃法(parallel dynamic programming)。其中,第一個方法由Lin (2013)提出,可以透過多執行緒平行求解軟體GUROBI加以求解。接著,Lee (2014)進一步提出動態規劃法,利用記憶方案(memory scheme)來記錄先前所求得子問題的解,目的在於縮短求解時間。由於現今多核心CPU技術的普及和進步,本篇研究利用OpenMP來將動態規劃法平行化,透過多執行緒來提高求解的效率。
This study investigates a problem that involves the decisions on both orders’ selection and scheduling. An order is often referred as a job in scheduling literatures. Each of the considered jobs is associated with a ready date, a due date, a processing time, and a weight. A job is either fully completed between its ready and due date or totally rejected; that is, a job will not be partially made. The focus of this study is to determine how to select and sequence the jobs on a single machine with the objective of maximizing the total profit of selected jobs. Such a problem is called throughput maximization problem (TMP) in existing literatures.
Three approaches are tested and compared in this study, including (1) mixed integer programming (MIP), (2) dynamic programming (DP), and (3) parallel dynamic programming. The first method is proposed by Lin (2013), which are solved by GUROBI MIP solver (GUROBI, 2017) that utilizes multiple threads for parallel computation. Later, Lee (2014) proposed a DP approach with memory scheme, which records the solutions of previous solved sub-problems to reduce the computation time. Taking advantage of the popularity and advances in today’s multi-core CPU techniques, the parallel DP with multiple threads using OpenMP is proposed in this study to further improve the solution efficiency.
The experiment results show that parallel DP with sub-hashing tables requires less computation time to solve a problem than MIP and original DP. Since the solution procedure of parallel DP is done using multiple threads, the solution efficiency can be further improved by having CPU with more threads, a foreseeable development in near future.
摘要 I
Abstract II
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 6
2.1. TMP 6
2.1.1. TMP under Various Assumptions 6
2.1.2. Application of TMP 8
2.2. Parallel Computation Application on Scheduling 8
3. Solution Methods 10
3.1. Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) 10
3.2. Implicit Enumeration (IE) 12
3.2.1. Partial Ordering 14
3.2.2. Dominance Rules 15
3.2.3. IE Using Depth-First Search 19
3.3. Dynamic Programming (DP) 21
3.3.1. The Formulations of DP Approach 23
3.3.2. Reduction of State Variables 24
3.3.3. The Structure of Memory Scheme 27
3.3.4. The Application of Memory Scheme 29
3.3.5. The Procedure of DP Approach 30
3.3.6 An Example of DP Approach 32
3.4. Parallel DP Approach 35
3.4.1. OpenMP 36
3.4.2. The Application of OpenMP 36
3.4.3. The Generation Procedure of Sub-trees 40
3.4.4. The Structure of Sub-hashing Tables 41
3.4.5. Implementation of Parallel DP Approach 43
4. Computation Experiments 44
4.1. Experiment Design 44
4.1.1. Experiment Parameters 44
4.1.2. Problem Generation Procedure 45
4.1.3. Experiment Setting 46
4.2. Result and Analysis 47
4.2.1. Validation of the Effectiveness of Sub-hashing Table 47
4.2.2. Validation of the Efficiency of Multiple Threads 48
4.2.3. Comparisons on Various Methods 50
4.2.4. Average Progressive Curves of Various Methods 51
4.2.5. Effects of Various Control Factors on Computation Time 52
5. Conclusions 55
Appendix 57
Reference 67

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