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作者(外文):Chen, Hsiang-Yun
論文名稱(外文):Optimization of Tool Path Planning Based on Continuous Encoding Schemes in 5-Axis Flank Milling
指導教授(外文):Chu, Chih-Hsing
外文關鍵詞:5-Axis MachiningFlank MillingTool Path PlanningCurve Continuity
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Five-axis CNC flank machining has been commonly used in various industries for shaping complex geometries. This advanced machining operation offers highly flexible tool motion with two rotational degrees of freedom. It produces a greater material removal rate than 5-axis point machining because of a larger contact area of the cutter. Previous studies have developed tool path planning methods for reducing machining errors in 5-axis flank finishing cut of ruled surface. Most methods independently adjust individual cutter locations of a tool path by an optimization process. This usually results in a high-dimensional solution space difficult to search for optimal solutions. In addition, the continuity of the resultant tool path is not guaranteed in those methods. An excessive change between consecutive cutter locations may deteriorate the machined surface quality. To overcome these problems, we propose a novel optimization scheme that optimally adjusts a tool path subject to higher-order continuity constraints. The scheme encodes both the translational and rotational tool motions in compact curve representations. As a result, the number of optimization variables, determined by the curve control points, is largely reduced. A curve subdivision mechanism is applied to adaptively increase the control points until the machining accuracy satisfies a given tolerance. Simulation results have validated the effectiveness of the proposed scheme on reducing geometrical errors on the machined surface. Not only is the efficiency in optimization enhanced, but preserving the tool path continuity also improves the finished surface quality. This work provides a computational approach to increasing the practical value of 5-axis CNC flank machining by tool path optimization.
摘要 2
Abstract 3
誌謝 4
目錄 5
第一章 緒論與文獻探討 11
1.1 研究背景 11
1.2 文獻探討 13
1.2.1 刀具路徑規劃 14
1.2.2 刀具路徑編碼 14
1.2.3 過往研究限制 16
1.3 研究目的 17
第二章 刀具路徑編碼 19
2.1 連續型刀具路徑編碼 19
2.1.1 貝茲曲線 19
2.1.2 刀具中心點軌跡編碼 20
2.1.3 刀具軸向編碼 21
2.2 增加變數之機制 26
2.2.1 增加變數之方法 26
2.2.2 增加變數之時機 28
第三章 誤差計算與演算法 31
3.1 切削誤差估計 31
3.2 最佳化演算法 33
3.2.1 同步擾動近似演算法 33
3.2.2 篩選變化解類電磁演算法 34
3.3 演算法之虛擬碼 36
第四章 實作結果與模擬測試 40
4.1 設計曲面與誤差計算參數 40
4.2 結果分析 41
4.5 模擬測試 51
第五章 改良式篩選變化解類電磁演算法 54
第六章 最佳化刀具路徑於不同座標系 58
6.1 逆運動轉換 58
6.2 非線性誤差 59
6.3 結果分析 61
第七章 表面粗糙度 63
7.1 十點平均粗糙度 63
7.2 結果分析 64
第八章 結論與未來工作 67
8.1結論 67
8.2 未來工作 68
參考文獻 69
附錄一 測試曲面 72
附錄二 測試曲面控制點座標 73

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