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作者(外文):Yen, Chia-Liang
論文名稱(外文):Dispatching of Bottleneck Workstation Combined with Releasing and Buffer Control in Semiconductor Packaging Process
指導教授(外文):Lin, James T.
外文關鍵詞:rolling production plandispatching rulereleasing ruleOCBA
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:420
  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究以IC後段加工製程之半導體封裝廠為例,以限制資源為基礎進行滾動式生產計畫。主要架構包含投料計畫與現場管理,在已知訂單資訊下,考量到廠內生產特性-訂單加工之拆批行為及瓶頸站中機台型號之限制。此外,在瓶頸站加工時,因IC種類多且複雜,機台在轉換不同的產品進行加工時,須調整加工方式、程式設定等,會造成大量的設置時間(Setup Time),導致單位時間的產出量下降,進而影響整體系統產出;另外,為了考量訂單在系統中的流程時間(Flow Time),控制在製品水位亦為生產中不可忽視的議題。故本研究以最小化機台總設置時間及系統平均流程時間為績效目標,求得最佳派工、投料及緩衝控制之決策計畫。
In this paper, a framework of rolling production plan based on bottlebeck resource is introduced. The framework consists of two parts- releasing plan and shop floor control. Semiconductor-packaging production system where a bottleneck workstation exists is used as the case study. In the bottleneck workstation, plenty of setup time is needed for changeover due to the complexity of products. Setup time in bottleneck workstation decreases the throughput per unit of time and thus has impact on the whole system. The methodologies to control the amount of work-in-process (WIP) are provided and mean flow time are used to measure their performance. To minimize total setup time and mean flow time, an adequate production plan must be adopted.
The proposed framework is to discuss the multiple decisions comprising dispatching rule, releasing rule and buffer contorl must be well made to decrease total setup time and mean flow time effectively under different scenarios. Due to stochastic processing time and setup time in the bottleneck workstation, replications of simulation have to be conducted to estimate the performance of each design. In this article, an evaluative model is constructed. Moreover, optimal computing budget allocation (OCBA) is applied to efficiently allocate limited simulation budget and reduce the total simulation time.
It is proved that dispatching and releasing rule have significantly impact on total setup time and mean flow time. Furthermore, the relationship of trade-off between total setup time and mean flow time are obvious and different weight will affect the choise of alternatives. Due to the characteristics of the problem, the consequence are different between the deterministic and stochastic environment, but the dispatching and releasing rules won’t make change the effect of the performance of system.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究範圍 4
1.4研究步驟 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1派工法則 7
2.2系統在製品管理與投料控制 11
2.2.1推拉式管理 11
2.2.2投料法則 12
2.3限制理論 14
2.3.1限制驅導式排程法(DBR) 14
2.3.2限制驅導式排程法應用之相關文獻 17
2.3.3簡化型限制驅導式排程法(S-DBR) 18
2.4最佳資源分配法(Optimal Computing Budget Allocation) 19
第三章 封裝廠生產計畫與管制 25
3.1封裝廠生產系統 25
3.2滾動式投料計畫與生產管制之設計理念 30
3.2.1流程設計理念 30
3.2.2滾動式生產 31
3.3封裝廠系統之投料計畫與生產管制 34
3.3.1 封裝廠之投料計畫 34日投量規劃 34限制資源之派工排程 42決定投料時間及順序 58
3.3.2封裝廠之生產管制 60在製品管理 60緩衝控制 63
3.3.3派工、投料及緩衝之配合關係 65
第四章 個案公司案例介紹 66
4.1生產情境介紹 66
4.2投料計畫與生產管制流程 67
第五章 系統模擬實驗與結果分析 76
5.1問題定義 76
5.2模擬模式建構與驗證 82
5.2.1模擬模式建構 82
5.2.2模擬模式確認與驗證 85
5.3確定性生產系統之實驗設計與分析 86
5.4隨機性生產系統之實驗設計與分析 97
第六章 結論與建議 115
6.1結論 115
6.2建議 116
參考文獻 117
附錄 121
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