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作者(外文):Chang, Chun-Hsien
論文名稱(外文):Design and Test of Hydrostatic Built-in Spindle
指導教授(外文):Lin, Shih-Chieh
口試委員(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
Shaw, De-In
外文關鍵詞:Built-in spindleHydrostatic bearingOrifice restrictor
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主軸為工具機上,直接帶動刀具或工件旋轉的旋轉軸,並進行切削、研磨等加工程序。主軸之性能表現,取決於其剛性、精度、轉速。 目前國內工具機主軸大多採用滾珠軸承的設計,滾珠軸承在外加預壓下,有其壽命限制,且在進行切削、研磨等加工過程中有可能產生不穩定振動,較容易影響加工精度。從過去的研究中了解到液靜壓軸承中的液壓油膜具有高阻尼特性,能減輕運轉時所產生的振動現象,提升加工精度。此外,液壓油膜亦能防止旋轉軸與固定件之間的摩擦損耗,維持液壓油在良好狀況下,將能大幅延長液靜壓主軸之壽命。本研究為了提升主軸精度並延長主軸工作壽命,將傳統滾珠軸承取代為液靜壓形式的軸承,開發新的液靜壓內藏式主軸。
The spindle is a rotary axis that directly drives the tool or the workpiece to rotate on the machine tool, and conducts machining processes. The performance of the spindle is evaluated with stiffness, accuracy and speed. At present, most of the domestic machine tool spindles are still mounted with rotating bearings. It has been learned from past research that the hydraulic oil film in the hydrostatic bearing has high damping characteristics, which can reduce the vibration generated during operation and improve the machining accuracy. In addition, the hydraulic oil film can also prevent the occurrence of friction between the rotating shaft and fixing parts. In the case of maintaining hydraulic oil under good condition, operating life of the spindle will be greatly extended. In order to improve the rotating accuracy and extend the operating life, it is intended to develop a hydrostatic built-in spindle.

In this study, the performances of the hydrostatic bearing compensated with orifice restrictor and capillary restrictor were theoretically compared. Based on the past researches, the simulation model of orifice-compensated hydrostatic bearing was established. Based on the analyses of the pressure distribution and performance of hydrostatic bearing, a hydrostatic built-in spindle was designed. Finally, the prototype of the spindle was finished, and the testing platform was set up. After that, the running test of spindle and evaluation of the bearings were conducted.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 序論 1
1-1. 研究背景 1
1-2. 研究動機 3
1-3. 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1. 液靜壓軸承 5
2-1.1 工作原理 5
2-1.2 液靜壓之應用 7
2-1.3 液靜壓軸承的優勢 9
2-2. 液靜壓軸承的節流器 10
2-3. 液靜壓軸頸軸承之研究 13
2-3.1 種類 13
2-3.2 參數分析研究 15
2-4. 液靜壓止推軸承之研究 20
2-4.1 圓形墊 20
2-4.2 參數分析研究 21
2-5. 主軸之測試 25
第三章 研究方法與步驟 27
3-1. 研究流程 27
3-2. 節流器比較 29
3-3. 雷諾方程式 33
3-4. 有限差分 36
3-4.1 中央差分 38
3-4.2 邊界條件及求解 40
第四章 內藏式主軸設計與模擬分析 43
4-1. 模擬結果比對 43
4-2. 液靜壓內藏式主軸設計 47
4-2.1 構型設定演變 47
4-2.2 軸承尺寸設定 53
4-2.3 節流器選定 53
4-3. 軸承參數與性能模擬 54
4-4. 結構變形量模擬 57
第五章 實驗規劃與結果 59
5-1. 節流器流阻測試 59
5-2. 軸承油膜間隙、精度量測 65
5-2.1 油膜間隙量測 65
5-2.2 前後軸頸軸承同心度量測 69
5-3. 液靜壓軸承相關測試 71
5-3.1 改變供壓測試 73
5-3.2 固定供壓負載實驗 74
第六章 結論與未來展望 77
6-1. 結論 77
6-2. 未來展望 79
參考文獻 80
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