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作者(外文):Chen, Jhih-Hao
論文名稱(外文):Establishment of Automatic Incubator
指導教授(外文):Lai, Mei-Feng
外文關鍵詞:cell incubationmoduleautomation
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本文主要為細胞繼代培養機台設置,將細胞繼代培養過程條列化,分為細胞培養環境控制、更換新盤、更換液體以及觀察細胞。機構設計,利用SolidWorks 設計所有零件,將各種功能分區並模組化,製作符合功能且可以縮小尺寸的機台,機台尺寸約為市面上自動化細胞培養系統的七分之一至六分之一,提供一種可協助生物研究者的細胞繼代培養機台。
Modern science and technology develop more and more rapidly. Medical technology also flourishing. As a result, Cell experiments become more and more important. The study aims to establish a modular automatic cell incubator which can reduce the labor of cell incubation. With the device, users can obtain, observe, or analyze the images. This system is divided into three parts: the cell subculture machine, image processing and cloud computing. The main functions of the cell subculture machine are culturing and subculturing cells. The role of image analysis is to use algorithm to determine whether the cells are polluted, and finally, cloud computing is to upload all the data onto Cloud for users to observe cells and their growing environment and to monitor the machine at any time.
This study mainly focuses on the building of the cell subculture machine, barring the process of cell subculture which includes the monitor of the environment for cell culture, changing cell culture dishes, alternating fluids and cell observation. The machine design was to use SolidWorks designing all of the components and to compartment and modularize all the functions in order to build a machine that is not only in accordance to its functions and also able to downsize its size. This machine is only roughly one-seventh to one-sixth of the size of the automated cell culture system in the market and enables biological researcher to subculture cells efficiently.
中文摘要 .........................ii
目錄 .........................iv
圖目錄 .........................vi
表目錄 .........................ix
第一章 緒論 .................1
1.1. 前言 .................1
1.2. 文獻回顧 .................1
1.2.1. 大型細胞培養系統 .........2
1.2.2. 微型化細胞培養系統.........8
1.3. 研究動機 .................10
第二章 理論基礎 .................12
2.1. 細胞培養 .................12
2.1.1. 懸浮細胞培養 .........12
2.1.2. 貼附式細胞培養 .........12
2.2. 自動培養環境 .........13
2.3. 環境感測原理 .........16
2.3.1. 二氧化碳感測 .........16
2.3.2. 濕度感測 .................18
2.3.3. 溫度感測 .................19
2.4. 步進馬達原理 .........22
2.4.1. 步進馬達轉子構造 .........22
2.4.2. 兩相步進馬達 .........23
第三章 細胞培養機台設計 .........25
3.1. 培養區 .................27
3.2. 移動區 .................29
3.3. 空盤存放區 .........31
3.4. 繼代培養及細胞觀察區 .33
3.5. 繼代培養及細胞觀察區的環境控制 36
第四章 製作結果與討論 .........37
4.1. 培養區 .................37
4.2. 移動區 .................41
4.3. 空盤存放區 .........43
4.4. 繼代培養以及細胞觀察區 .45
第五章 結論與展望 .........49
5.1. 研究貢獻 .................49
5.2. 未來展望 .................51
參考文獻 .........................52
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