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作者(外文):Tu, Shao-Yu
論文名稱(中文):垂直整合電容與壓阻感測之 CMOS-MEMS觸覺感測器 以實現大感測範圍
論文名稱(外文):Vertical Integration of Capacitive and Piezo-resistive Sensing Units to Enlarge the Sensing Range of CMOS-MEMS Tactile Sensor
指導教授(外文):Fang, Wei-leun
口試委員(外文):LI, SHENG-SHIAN
Liu, Yu-Chia
Chen, Shih-Jui
外文關鍵詞:CMOS-MEMStactile sensorintegration of capacitive and piezo-resistiveenlarge sensing range
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  • 點閱點閱:485
  • 評分評分:*****
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觸覺感測器為一種能感知外部施力的元件,根據用途不同所需之感測範圍也不盡相同。目前在多功能機器人身上通常會放置不同感測範圍之觸覺感測器,以彌補單一元件無法感測如此大的施力範圍。因此,本研究利用TSMC 0.18μm 1P6M 標準CMOS製程平台,設計一垂直整合電容與壓阻感測單元之觸覺感測器。利用上層電容式結構擁有高靈敏度之特色來感測較小之施力,當施力逐漸增大而使電容飽和後,力將傳遞至下層結構,利用下層壓阻結構來感測較大之施力,以此來提升單一元件之感測範圍。結構完成後並進一步在元件中填入不同硬度之PDMS高分子,來達到製程後調變感測範圍之特色。
With the fast development of robot recently, various related sensors such as tactile and image sensors have received attention. The tactile sensor could enable the robot to realize the contact conditions which are critical to many applications.
This study presents a tactile sensor design to enlarge the sensing range by vertically integrated capacitive and piezo-resistive sensing units. The smaller loads are detected by the relatively sensitive capacitive sensing unit with deformable electrode of lower stiffness. As the load exceeding a threshold, the deformable electrode will contact the reference electrode and cause the saturation of capacitive sensing. Meanwhile, the force will transmit to the supporting structure of piezo-resistive sensors. The larger loads are then detected by the piezo-resistive sensing units attached to a relatively stiff supporting structure. Thus, the sensing range of tactile sensor is improved. The presented design is implemented by the TSMC 0.18μm 1P6M standard CMOS process and in-house post-CMOS releasing. After process, the sensitivity and sensing range of tactile sensor can be furtherly tuned by PDMS polymer filled-in.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 文獻回顧 5
1-3-1 電容式 5
1-3-2 壓阻式 7
1-3-3 CMOS-MEMS 9
1-4 研究目標 10
1-5 全文架構 12
第二章 感測原理與設計規劃 23
2-1 TSMC 0.18μm 1P6M 製程平台 23
2-2 感測機制 23
2-2-1 電容式感測 24
2-2-2 壓阻式感測 25
2-3 結構設計 30
2-3-1 電容式感測結構 31
2-3-2 壓阻式感測結構 32
2-4 模擬分析 33
2-4-1 電容單元模擬 34
2-4-2 壓阻單元模擬 36
第三章 製程規劃與結果 49
3-1 光罩佈局規劃 49
3-2 CMOS-MEMS後製程與結果 53
第四章 量測結果與討論 70
4-1 電容感測單元量測 70
4-1-1 表面形貌量測 70
4-1-2 電容單元力學量測 73
4-2 壓阻感測單元量測 75
4-2-1 壓阻單元力學量測 76
4-2-2 溫度影響量測 77
第五章 結論與未來工作 89
5-1 結論 89
5-2 未來工作 90
(1) 元件改良 90
(2) 機電整合 91
參考文獻 96
附錄 101
附錄A: 結構改良設計 101
附錄B: 電路設計 107
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