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作者(外文):Cheng, Chin-Wen
論文名稱(中文):泛用型虛實整合系統架構建立─ 以液靜壓節流器之調整為驗證載具
論文名稱(外文):Construction of a Cyber-Physical System – Using a Linear Stage Assembled with Various Types of Hydrostatic Restrictors for Verification
指導教授(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Wei-Hua
Chang, Jen-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Cyber physical systemDigitizationHydrostatic bearingSystem integrationMonte Carlo Simulation
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:215
  • 評分評分:*****
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A cyber physical system (CPS) is an integration of computers and physical systems. In a CPS, the physical system is integrated with sensing, communication, and computing components.
This research aims at constructing a framework for the cyber physical system, including a virtual system as well as a physical system. To demonstrate the capability of the constructed cyber physical system, we designed an experiment platform of a hydrostatic linear stage as the real physical system. Within the virtual system, we constructed the simulation model for each component, which was able to characterize the feature of the physical system.
To reduce the complexity, the system model of each component was categorized into four major properties: static, dynamic, tolerancing design, and sensing & controlling. Then, we established the corresponding module to describe each property. The static module included properties, for example, the geometries, materials and loading parameters, while the dynamic module stated the derived dynamic performance of the corresponding static properties. The tolerancing module predicted the final performance after considering manufacturing uncertainty. The sensors, actuators, and controller were included in the fourth module to communicate between the virtual and physical systems.
Using the CPS, we predicted the performance of the linear stage while designing, controlling, and maintaining the physical system after manufacturing. We will closely look into the extensibility of the framework; other advanced options may be added in the future.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 導論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 文獻回顧 3
1-2.1 虛實整合系統 3
1-2.2 大數據(Big Data)與物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT) 5
1-2.3 數據分析與決策方式──統計方法、優化與智能學習 6
1-2.4 液靜壓軸承 9
1-3 研究動機與本文內容 10
第二章 虛實整合系統架構設計 13
2-1 虛實整合系統之困境 13
2-2 整體架構─虛擬系統設計 19
2-2.1 靜態模組 23
2-2.2 動態模組 24
2-2.3 容差模組 26
2-2.4 感測與控制模組 27
2-2.5 模組間之溝通方式規劃 30
2-3 大數據之應用與智能分析手段 31
第三章 液靜壓軸承理論公式─真實系統分析 36
3-1 液靜壓軸承流阻計算方式整理 39
3-1.1 毛細管節流器 39
3-1.2 溝槽型節流器 41
3-1.3 油墊與自補償節流封油面流阻計算 44
3-2 液靜壓軸承單向墊流阻網路法分析 54
3-3 液靜壓單向墊軸承性能調整模擬 59
第四章 CPS應用於液靜壓系統-真實系統調校 64
4-1 過往研究困境與改善方式 64
4-2 虛擬系統建立 70
4-2.1 靜態模組部分建立 70
4-2.2 容差模組部分建立─採用蒙地卡羅法為分析工具 73
4-2.3 感測控制模組部分建立─資料擷取與控制器 78
4-2.4 動態模組部分建立─FPGA上之硬體描述模型 86
4-3 真實系統建立 96
4-3.1 液靜壓軸承小型實驗平台 96
4-3.2 感測器實體元件 99
4-4 實驗架設與結果分析 101
4-4.1 初步實驗結果整理 105
4-4.2 溝槽理論公式比較 107
4-4.3 公差造成之不確定性分析及改善 111
4-4.4 其他分析 118
第五章 結論與未來工作 122
5-1 結論 122
5-2 未來工作 124
5-3 其他討論 125
附錄 133
A. 液靜壓基本公式推導 133
I. 管流分析(運用於毛細管流阻計算) 134
II. 兩平行板間流場分析(運用於油墊方形封油面流阻計算) 137
III. 環形封油面之分析 139
B. 液靜壓單向墊系統網路流阻法公式推導 141
I. 固定式節流器搭配單向墊系統 141
II. 自補償節流器搭配單向墊系統 145
III. 複合式節流器搭配單向墊系統 156
C. 油溫黏性換算推導(根據ASTM D341[36]) 162
參考資料 164
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