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作者(外文):Lin, Cheng-Hsueh
論文名稱(外文):A Hydrostatic Tilting Rotary Table Design
指導教授(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
口試委員(外文):Chieng, Wei-Hua
Chang, Jen-Yuan
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:720
  • 評分評分:*****
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This thesis is aimed to design and fabricate a hydrostatic tilting rotary table with high loading capacity, high stiffness. According to the desired performance specifications and its application, we selected the proper type of hydrostatic bearing and analyzed the performance by experiments.
This study started from design based on the desired performance and focused on calculating the flow resistance of the pockets and restrictors to obtain the optimal pressure ratio between the source and the pocket, which resulted in the required bearing stiffness. Secondly, this study determined the number and dimensions of the pockets to gain the desired load capacity of the single-pad and the opposed-pad hydrostatic bearings. In addition, this thesis inspected the pressure distribution of oil film under eccentric condition by using finite difference method and obtained the essential parameters such as resistance, the oil film thickness, the land dimension, the oil viscosity, the total flow.
Finally, the hydrostatic tilting rotary table was examined by using sensors and oil supply system, and compared the actual performance with the theoretical prediction to explore the possible parameters of error and present a method to improve the performance of hydrostatic tilting rotary table.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XII
符號表 XIII
第一章 導論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 文獻回顧 3
1-2-1 液靜壓軸頸軸承之研究 3
1-2-2 不同節流液靜壓軸承之研究 5
1-3 研究動機與本文內容 6
第二章 理論分析 8
2-1 基礎理論 8
2-2 模擬方法 11
2-2-1 流阻網路法 11
2-2-2 有限差分法 15
2-3 液靜壓軸承油膜溫度變化 20
第三章 搖籃式液靜壓旋轉工作台設計 22
3-1 液靜壓軸承設計流程 22
3-2 液靜壓軸承結構尺寸設計 23
3-2-1 軸頸軸承 23
3-2-2 止推軸承 26
3-3 節流器設計 28
3-4 整體構型設計 30
3-5 傳動系統選用與配置 33
第四章 液靜壓軸承性能模擬與評估 35
4-1 結構變形模擬分析 35
4-2 系統剛性與承載力模擬分析 38
4-2-1 理想軸承性能 38
4-2-2 結構變形對軸承性能之影響 40
4-2-3 加工誤差對軸承性能之影響 41
4-3 油膜壓力分佈模擬分析 42
4-4 流量變化分析 46
4-5 溫度變化與功耗分析 47
第五章 實驗研究 50
5-1 液靜壓軸承系統實驗架構 50
5-1-1 實驗架設 50
5-1-2 搖籃式液靜壓旋轉工作台 52
5-2 實驗與量測設備 55
5-2-1 供油設備系統 55
5-2-2 量測設備 57
5-3 實驗方法與步驟 62
5-4 實驗結果 65
5-4-1 油品黏度實驗結果 65
5-4-2 節流器流阻實驗結果 68
5-4-3 軸承剛性實驗結果 69
第六章 結論與未來工作 82
6-1 結論 82
6-2 未來工作 83
參考文獻 86

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