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作者(外文):Chiu, Yen-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Thermal Stresses in Glass Substrates by Laser Cutting
指導教授(外文):Wang, Wei-Chung
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Hung-Yin
Lo, Yu-Lung
外文關鍵詞:Reflective PhotoelasticityStress Intensity FactorMoving Heat SourceThermal Weight FunctionThermal Fracture
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究首次使用反射式光彈法量測以CO2雷射切割玻璃之全場應力,並以光彈影像搭配待定係數法得到裂片過程中裂紋尖端的應力強度因子(Stress Intensity Factor, SIF),再藉由SIF和裂片速度之趨勢提出一套於固定雷射功率下預估最高裂片速度的方法。實驗結果顯示當雷射功率為25 W、雷射光點直徑為6.5 mm及玻璃厚度為0.55 mm時能夠成功裂片的最高速度為51 mm/s,而以此方法預估所得之最高裂片速度為54.4 mm/s,與實驗結果之差異量僅有6.67 %,顯示本研究提出之方法具有相當的準確性,可應用於實際加工以減少裂片失敗的材料和時間成本。
本研究亦將雷射光點視為移動式熱源,以其造成的溫度場搭配熱權函數(Thermal Weight Function)計算裂片過程中SIF的理論值,並且和實驗得到之SIF比較。結果顯示以熱權函數推得之SIF比透過實驗得到之SIF小了數十倍,其原因為熱權函數理論中的部分假設與現實情況不符,而本研究之實驗結果亦可作為修改理論之參考,以期於未來達到更好的預測結果。
In this thesis, reflective photoelasticity was first used to measure the whole-field stresses produced by CO2 laser cutting on glass substrates. Stress intensity factor (SIF) was extracted from reconstructed photoelastic images. Based on the relationship between SIF and cleaving velocity, a method was proposed to predict the highest cleaving velocity under fixed laser power. When laser power was 25 W, diameter of the laser spot was 6.5 mm and thickness of the glass specimen was 0.55 mm, the highest cleaving velocity predicted by this method was 54.4 mm/s, whereas the experimental result was 51 mm/s. This 6.67 % difference between the predicted and experimental results indicates the potential of this method to be applied in manufacturing to reduce time and material cost.
By taking the laser as a moving heat source, thermal weight function was also used to calculate the SIF and the calculated SIFs were compared with experimental ones. Results show that the calculated SIFs are ten times lower than the experimental ones. The significant difference may be due to the deviation from the real laser applications in the assumptions made in the thermal weight function. The experimental results obtained in this thesis can therefore be used as a good reference to modify the thermal weight function of calculating SIF.
一、 簡介 1
二、 文獻回顧 5
三、 實驗原理 10
3.1 光彈法 10
3.1.1 穿透式光彈法[8, 15] 10
3.1.2 反射式光彈法[15] 12
3.1.3 加強曝光理論[16, 33] 14
3.2 雷射切割 15
3.2.1 溫度場分布[7, 28] 16
3.2.2 熱權函數[7, 34, 35, 36] 18
3.3 以光彈法量測SIF 22
3.3.1 待定係數法[11, 38] 22
四、 實驗試片與裝置 27
4.1 實驗試片 27
4.2 實驗裝置 27
4.2.1 使用三腳架架設之反射式光彈儀 27
4.2.2 使用鋁擠型架設之反射式光彈儀 29
五、 實驗量測與分析 32
5.1 實驗量測程序 32
5.1.1 使用更改前之架設量測 32
5.1.2 使用更改後之架設量測 33
5.2 實驗分析程序 34
5.2.1 全場應力分析 34
5.2.2 光彈影像重建 35
六、 結果與討論 37
6.1 試片量測結果 37
6.1.1 更改架設前之量測結果 37
6.1.2 更改架設後之量測結果 39
6.2 雷射功率對裂片的影響 41
6.2.1 雷射功率隨時間的變化 41
6.3 光彈影像重建 43
6.4 SIF 46
6.4.1 由重建結果得到之SIF 46
6.4.2 以熱權函數計算所得之SIF 49
七、 結論與未來展望 52
7.1 結論 52
7.2 未來展望 54
八、 參考文獻 56
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