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作者(外文):Li, Zong-Hua
論文名稱(外文):Compressive Strength Analysis of Calcium Sulfate Synthetic Bone Fabricated by 3D Printing Technology with Different Modeling Parameters
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Jer-Liang
外文關鍵詞:Calcium Sulfate Synthetic Bone3D printingCompressive strength test
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實驗步驟包含分析材料最佳水粉比、加水後溫升變化、以及本論文所探討的實驗製造參數不同所對應的抗壓強度;實驗結果顯示在硫酸鈣水粉比(water/powder ratio) 0.41 時做3D列印堆疊時,在成型過程中穩定不造成崩塌又具備一定強度,所量測的抗壓強度為5.83 MPa,比對人體自體骨(抗壓強度1.3 MPa)已具備能夠正常使用之強度,與現今在使用最強複合材料之人工骨(抗壓強度30 MPa),仍具有一段差距,因此在未來加入可以提高強度粉末材料例如:同樣具備生物相容性的磷酸鈣,利用其不容易溶於骨頭的特性,降解速度較慢,發展一可用於實際應用上的複合材料人工替代骨,配合3D列印技術之快速成型、節省耗材、客製化之優點,來對醫療產業做出一實質貢獻。
This study uses 3D printing technology to produce a good biocompatibility sample and which has the ability to support the original use of human bone strength. The main components of human body bone are calcium and phosphorus, so we use the calcium sulfate as the bone substitute. The characteristics of such bone substitute for implantation of human bone defects is that the calcium will be absorbed by the body and induce new bone cell’s formation from the filling place. In view of the above, calcium sulfate is seen as the material in the study.
With the combination of artificial bone and the newly developed 3D printing machine, the influence of different forming parameters on the final workpiece strength is discussed, and the best manufacturing parameter is selected to discuss the strength of the finished product. The compressive test is according to the American Society for Testing and Materials and trying to compare the strength of traditional artificial bone sample and 3D prints sample. On the conclusion, we got the strength at 5.83 MPa. Compare to a human bone at 1.3 MPa, the calcium sulfate substitute is able to fit the usage of a human being. However, the composite substitute bone used in the surgery has the strength at 30 MPa or more, this 3D technology used for creating artificial bone is still a long way to go. In the future, we can add mixed powder like calcium phosphate, to increase the strength of the sample and elongation degradation time.
摘要 1
Abstract 2
圖目錄 5
表目錄 8
第一章 緒論 10
1.1前言 10
1.2研究動機與目的 10
1.2.1研究動機 10
1.2.2研究目的 11
1.3 論文架構 11
第二章 文獻回顧 12
2.1 3D列印研究發展 12
2.2骨移植材料 13
2.2.1自體骨移植 15
2.2.2同種異體骨移植 15
2.2.3人工骨材料 16
2.3硫酸鈣影響強度特性 18
第三章 實驗架構及流程設計 24
3.1 實驗系統 24
3.2實驗流程設計 25
3.3 3D列印工件之成型參數因果分析 26
3.4影像分析方法 30
3.5 美國材料和試驗協會抗壓測試 32
第四章 實驗結果與分析 35
4.1 實驗材料特性 35
4.2單層列印完整度分析 36
4.2.1噴頭孔徑對表面完整度分析 36
4.2.2噴頭移動速度對表面完整度分析 40
4.1.3噴頭高度對表面完整度分析 46
4.2.4噴水線間距對表面成型分析 49
4.3多層列印堆疊分析 50
4.3.1噴頭速度對工件強度影響分析 52
4.3.2鋪粉厚度參數對工件強度影響分析 57
4.4最佳化參數強度分析比對 58
第五章 結論 63
第六章 未來研究方向 65
參考文獻 67

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