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作者(外文):Chang, Tien-Ning
論文名稱(外文):Reliability Assessment and Parametric Analysis of Fan-out Wafer-Level Packaging with Glass Substrate
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Kuo-Ning
口試委員(外文):Lee, Chang-Chun
Liu, De-Shin
Zheng, Xian-Zhi
外文關鍵詞:Fan-Out PackageWafer Level PackageFinite Element MethodReliabilityOptical device
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近幾年,手持式電子裝置不斷朝著方便攜帶、多功能及高效能等需求發展,而其內部元件則是以高密度與高效能為目標。封裝技術也由早期的DIP (Dual in-line Packaging)、SOP/TSOP (Small Outline Packaging / Thin Small Outline Packaging)、QFP/TQFP (Quad Flat Packaging / Thin Quad Flat Packaging)與BGA(Ball Grid Array)等發展至高密度要求的覆晶(Flip Chip, FC)、晶片尺寸封裝(Chip Scale Packaging, CSP)、晶圓級封裝(Wafer Level Packaging, WLP)、三維堆疊封裝(3D Stacked Package)、扇出型(Fan-Out)及系統式封裝(System-in-Packaging, SiP)等新型封裝技術。
本篇論文討論用於互補式金屬氧化物半導體(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor, CMOS)影像感測裝置的封裝。隨著影像畫數需求越來越高,研發者們也在尋找方法在有限的空間內盡可能放入更多像素(pixels)的封裝體。與平面網格陣列封裝(Land Grid Array, LGA)相比,WLCSP的技術提供了可進一步縮小封裝體積的方法。其中,ShellCase WLCSP是一種用於COMS Image sensor (CIS)的封裝結構,對小體積而言,其優點為封裝後體積小且可靠度高。雙面的玻璃基板封裝提供了良好的保護,但本結構如用於大型晶片,在連接到印刷電路板(Print Circuit Board, PCB)後會遇到可靠度過低的問題,也就是高解析度的晶片受限於此類封裝結構。本研究是發展一種適用於較大型晶片的新型玻璃基板封裝結構,並使用有限元素法模擬結構進行設計,並與WLCSP對比其可靠度。
熱循環負載試驗(Thermal cycling test)是一種用來測試封裝可靠度的方式,透過給予測試載具比實際使用更嚴苛的環境,加快其破壞速度,但須通過法規上的疲勞壽命以確保封裝結構在正常使用下可滿足產品壽命。本論文中使用有限元素法,模擬結構受熱循環試驗下所承受的附載,並採用Coffin-Manson經驗式,代入等效塑性應變增量預測錫銀銅焊料合金錫球之壽命。
關鍵詞: 扇出型封裝、晶圓級封裝、有限單元法、可靠度預測、影像感測元件。
In recent years, while handheld electronic devices keep on progressing to reach more functions, higher efficiency and easier for carry, the components inside take high density and efficiency as target. The structure of electric packaging developed from conventional DIP (Dual in-line Packaging), SOP/TSOP (Small Outline Packaging / Thin Small Outline Packaging), QFP/TQFP (Quad Flat Packaging / Thin Quad Flat Packaging) and BGA(Ball Grid Array) to high density package such as Flip Chip, CSP(Chip Scale Packaging), WLP (Wafer Level Packaging), 3D Stacked Package, Fan-Out package, System-in-Packaging(SiP), etc.
This paper discusses the advanced packaging using in CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) image sensor. As the demand for higher resolution electric device grows, manufacturers are seeking ways to put as much as possible pixels inside a package with using less and less space. Compare with land grid array (LGA) type packaging, WLCSP technology provide a way to shrink the package size further. ShellCase WLCSP is one of the types with good reliability and small packaging size used in image sensor. But the double side glass structure might have reliability problem while building with large die size. Means the number of pixel will be constrained by chip size. Trying to design a packaging can used for large die size is the main propose of this paper. Finite Element Method will be used to simulate and design the Fan-Out packaging structure and compare the reliability result with ShellCase WLCSP.
Thermal cycling test is a method which is currently used to characterize the reliability performance of electronic packaging. By providing a thermal condition stricter than usually use, an accelerated failure life can attend. Once the accelerated failure life passed the stander, the package can reach the demand of product life. In this research, Finite element method is applied to simulate the structure status under thermal loading conditions. And Coffin-Manson life prediction model is used to predict the reliability of SAC305 by applying equivalent plastic strain.
In this research, life prediction method is used to analyses the reliability of package structure. The dimensions of structure in package related to reliability are discussed such as pad size arrangement, solder joint arrangement, chip thickness, stress buffer layer thickness. And the result can provide a guideline for Fan-Out package design.
Keywords: Fan-Out Package, WLP, Finite Element Method, Reliability, Optical device.
第一章 緒論...................................1
1.1 簡介...................................1
1.2 研究動機...................................2
1.3 文獻回顧...................................3
1.4 研究目標...................................6
第二章 基礎理論...................................7
2.1 錫球外型預測...................................7
2.2 有限元素法基礎理論...................................10
2.2.1 線彈性有限元素理論...................................10
2.2.2 材料非線性理論...................................15
2.2.3 數值方法及收斂準則...................................19
2.3 硬化法則...................................21
2.3.1 等向硬化法則...................................22
2.3.2 動態硬化法則...................................22
2.4 潛變理論...................................23
2.4.1 潛變變型機制...................................24
2.4.2 Garofalo-Arrhenius潛變模型.............................25
2.4.3 Anand 模型...................................26
2.5 Chaboche 模型...................................28
2.6 封裝結構可靠度之預測方法...................................31
2.6.1 Coffin-Manson應變法...................................31
2.6.2 Darveaux 能量密度法...................................31
2.6.3 修正型能量密度法...................................32
第三章 有限元素模型之驗證..............34
3.1 測試載具結構..................35
3.2 二維有限元素模型建立...........37
3.3 材料參數之設定................41
3.4 邊界條件設定..................42
3.5 溫度負載設定..................43
3.6 各載具有限元模擬結果...........44
第四章 扇出型封裝結構之可靠度評估......46
4.1 玻璃基板扇出型封裝結構.........46
4.2 有限元素模型之建立.............48
4.3 玻璃基板型封裝結構參數分析......50
4.3.1 錫球上下接點尺寸對可靠度之影響..50
4.3.2 扇出扇入型封裝可靠度比較........55
4.3.3 晶片厚度影響...................57
4.3.4 應力緩衝層厚度對可靠度之影響....59
4.4 玻璃基板扇出型封裝可靠度評估....61
第五章 結論與未來展望..................63

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