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作者(外文):Lin, Jia-Ru
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Heat-Dissipation Efficiency and Thermal Deformation of TECs with SWCNT Coated Heat Sink
指導教授(外文):Wang, Wei-Chung
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yi-Ray
Tsai, Hung-Yin
外文關鍵詞:Thermoelectric coolerThree dimensional digital image correlation methodSingle-walled carbon nanotubeHeat sink
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熱電致冷器(Thermoelectric Cooler, TEC)是一種將電能轉換為熱能的裝置,操作過程中存在溫度梯度形成冷面與熱面,因結構內各材料熱膨脹係數不匹配造成電子元件間互相牽制,經長時間反覆使用後,內部會產生熱應力與熱變形,易導致元件損壞。
本研究利用兩套三維數位影像相關(Three Dimensional Digital Image Correlation, 3D-DIC )應變量測系統,分別量測無加裝鰭片與有加裝鰭片之127對品牌A與品牌B之TEC試片表面與側面P型和N型半導體之變形。探討在不同電流下TEC的應變資訊,並利用應變資訊與溫度分布來探討TEC的品質。結果顯示所有TEC表面與側面之變形量,均隨著電流越大,應變越大。從應變量測系統中也可得到TEC試片應變分布狀況,並利用多組試片實驗,驗證了品牌B之TEC品質較佳。
為增加散熱率,使用單壁奈米碳管(Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube, SWCNT)均勻塗佈於鋁擠型散熱鰭片表面,成功提升鰭片散熱效果;提高TEC於加裝鋁擠型散熱鰭片使用時,所能負荷之最大電流。由變形方面得到加裝奈米碳管散熱鰭片之TEC整體應變量趨勢比加裝鋁擠型散熱鰭片小。由溫度方面也得知加裝奈米碳管散熱鰭片之TEC整體溫度趨勢下降。未來有可能利用奈米碳管散熱鰭片以取代散熱風扇用於中小電流TEC之使用,除了增加TEC的使用壽命,也可降低成本與減少電子元件受風扇振動之影響。
Thermoelectric cooler (TEC) is a device which converts electrical energy into heat energy. The primary principle of the TEC is the Peltier effect. Thermoelectric cooler is a sandwich structure consisting of many different materials. When a direct current is applied, thermal stress and thermal deformation are unavoidably produced in the TEC due to the temperature gradient. Moreover, due to the mismatch of thermal expansion coefficient between component materials of the TEC, the TEC may be out of work after an extended period of practice.
In this thesis, two sets of three dimensional digital image correlation (3D-DIC) systems were adopted to measure the deformation of two different TECs, i.e. TEC_A and TEC_B, of 127 pairs of p-type and n-type semiconductors with and without the heat sink, respectively. Strains of the TEC under different currents were measured, and the quality of the TEC was investigated by the strain and temperature distributions. Results showed that the strain becomes higher as the current increased. The quality of TEC_B was also found better based on results of the strain distribution.
To enhance the cooling effect, single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) was used to coat on the surface of the heat sink, and the cooling effect of the heat sink was found successfully improved. The strain of the TEC is smaller when the SWCNT heat sink was added, and the overall temperature distribution was also decreased.
In the future, it is possible to use the SWCNT heat sink to replace the cooling fan for TECs under low and medium current. In addition to increase the service life of TECs, cost and the vibration produced from the cooling fan can also be reduced.
目錄 I
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 XV
一、 簡介 1
二、 文獻回顧 5
2.1 數位影像相關法 5
2.2 熱電致冷器/熱電能源產生器 9
2.2.1 熱電效應之發現 9
2.2.2 TEC結構與形變 10
2.2.3 TEC於散熱方面 12
2.3 奈米碳管熱傳導 14
三、 實驗原理 17
3.1 數位影像相關法原理 17
3.1.1 位移與變形[12, 51-53] 17
3.1.2 相關函數[13, 51-53] 19
3.1.3 數值方法[11, 13, 51, 53] 21
3.1.4 影像重建[14, 51, 53] 25
3.1.5 三維數位影像相關法[18, 51-52] 26
3.2 散熱鰭片理論[54] 30
3.2.1 散熱鰭片之性能 31
四、 試片規劃與實驗裝置 34
4.1 TEC試片規劃 34
4.1.1 雙面夾持之TEC試片 34
4.2 鋁擠型散熱鰭片 35
4.3 實驗裝置 35
4.3.1 DIC實驗裝置 35
4.3.2 奈米碳管散熱鰭片 37
4.3.3 其他實驗裝置 38
五、 實驗程序 40
5.1 試片前處理 40
5.1.1 TEC試片與散熱鰭片 40
5.1.2 奈米碳管散熱鰭片 41
5.2 實驗條件 42
5.2.1 鋁擠型散熱鳍片與奈米碳管散熱鰭片散熱溫度效率 42
5.2.2 TEC溫度、電流與DIC法量測之實驗條件 42 加裝散熱鰭片TEC試片 42 未加裝散熱片TEC試片 43
5.3 3D-DIC實驗程序 44
六、 結果與討論 46
6.1 鋁擠型與奈米碳管散熱鰭片散熱效率之關係 46
6.2 TEC搭配鋁擠型與奈米碳管散熱鰭片之散熱效率探討 48
6.2.1 探討冷熱面與溫度差與電流之關係 51
6.2.2 探討鋁擠型與奈米碳管散熱鰭片之熱阻差異率 55
6.3 TEC熱應變之探討 57
6.3.1 整體TEC應變之探討 58
6.3.2 比較單片TEC、加裝鋁擠型鰭片TEC與加裝奈米碳管鋁擠型鰭片TEC之關係 60
七、 結論與未來展望 63
7.1 結論 63
7.2 未來展望 65
參考文獻 67

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