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作者(外文):Hsu, Che-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Graphene Oxide/Epoxy Composites
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Meng-Kao
Tai, Nyan-Hwa
口試委員(外文):Chiang, Chun-Ron
Chang, Jen-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Graphene oxideMechanical propertiesComposites
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實驗結果顯示,利用丙酮進行預分散步驟能提升氧化石墨烯之分散性,進一步延長丙酮除去時間後,複合材料之拉伸與撓曲性質皆能提升,添加1 wt% 低含氧量氧化石墨烯後,相較於純環氧樹脂,撓曲模數與撓曲強度分別提升13.19 %與18.64 %,楊氏模數與拉伸強度分別提升7.21 %與16.88 % ; 高含氧量氧化石墨烯對複合材料拉伸與撓曲性質的補強效果整體而言不如低含氧量氧化石墨烯,但其對臨界第一模式應力強度因子的提升效果為添加低含氧量氧化石墨烯時兩倍以上,加入0.05 wt% 高含氧量氧化石墨烯後複合材料第一模式臨界應力強度因子提升43.2 %。破裂韌性試驗結束後以場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察補強材於環氧樹脂中分散情形與增韌機制。有限單元法分析氧化石墨烯/環氧樹脂複合材料第一模式應力強度因子,分析結果與實驗值變化趨勢大致相同,誤差約為10 %左右。
Polymer composite materials are widely used in many different fields such as aviation, automobile, sporting and construction industries. As a thermosetting plastic material, epoxy is often used as a matrix material due to its low price and versatility; however, the relatively lower mechanical properties of epoxy limit its application. In this study, the graphene oxide(GO)/epoxy composites were fabricated. The dispersion of GO was first investigated using different manufacturing process and the effect of residual acetone on the mechanical properties of GO/epoxy composites was discussed. Also the flexural properties, tensile properties and fracture toughness of GO/epoxy composites are studied with different wt% of high and low oxide content GO.
The results show that the dispersion of GO in epoxy is improved by the use of acetone. The flexural properties and tensile properties are also improved after extending the time of eliminating acetone, when compared with pure epoxy. With 1 wt% low oxide content GO, the flexural modulus and strength of GO/epoxy composites increase 13.19% and 18.64 %, respectively; the Young’s modulus and tensile strength increase 7.21% and 16.88 %, respectively. The overall enhancement effect on tensile and flexural properties of GO/epoxy composites is better by using low oxide content GO; while the mode-I critical stress intensity factor of GO/Epoxy increased 43.2 % when using high oxide content GO. SEM was used to observe the dispersion and toughening mechanism of GO in epoxy after the fracture toughness test. The analyzed results of mode-I critical stress intensity factor by finite element method is consistent with the experiment results with about 10 % difference.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 環氧樹脂簡介 2
1.2.2 石墨烯與氧化石墨烯簡介 3
1.2.3 奈米碳複合材料機械性質簡介 4
1.3 研究主題 6
第二章 實驗方法與分析 7
2.1 複合材料組成原料 7
2.1.1 環氧樹脂 7
2.1.2 氧化石墨烯 7
2.2 材料鑑定方法 7
2.2.1 原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope, AFM) 8
2.2.2 拉曼光譜儀(Raman spectroscopy) 8
2.3 實驗儀器設備 8
2.3.1 超音波震盪機 9
2.3.2 陶瓷加熱攪拌機 9
2.3.3 機械攪拌機 9
2.3.4 熱風循環烤箱 9
2.3.5 真空烘箱與真空幫浦 10
2.3.6 熱壓機 10
2.3.7鑽石切割機 10
2.3.8電子天秤 11
2.3.9 拉伸試驗機 11
2.3.10 紫外線可見光分光光譜儀(Uv-vis) 11
2.3.11 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(FESEM) 11
2.3.12 應變規 12
2.4 試片製作 12
2.5 分散性定性量測 14
2.6 機械性質量測 15
2.6.1 拉伸試驗 15
2.6.2 撓曲試驗 16
2.6.3 破裂韌性試驗 16
2.7 數據分析 17
2.7.1 數據平均值與標準差 18
2.7.2 Chauvenet’s準則 18
2.7.3 最小平方法 19
第三章 有限單元法分析 20
3.1 有限單元分析 20
3.2 含裂縫奈米複合材料破裂韌性之有限單元分析 22
第四章 結果與討論 23
4.1 材料鑑定分析 23
4.1.1 原子力顯微鏡分析 23
4.1.2 拉曼光譜分析 23
4.2 分散性定性量測 24
4.3 氧化石墨烯/環氧樹脂複合材料撓曲性質 24
4.4 氧化石墨烯/環氧樹脂複合材料拉伸性質 26
4.5 氧化石墨烯/環氧樹脂複合材料破裂性質 28
4.6 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡試片斷裂面微結構觀察 29
4.6.1 低含氧量氧化石墨烯/環氧樹脂複合材料斷裂面 29
4.6.2 高含氧量氧化石墨烯/環氧樹脂複合材料斷裂面 30
4.7 應力強度因子有限單元法分析結果 32
4.7.1 模型建立與收斂性分析 32
4.7.2 氧化石墨烯/環氧樹脂複合材料第一模式應力強度因子分析結果 33
4.7.2 破裂韌性試片裂縫尖端形狀 34
第五章 結論與未來展望 36
5.1 結論 36
5.2 未來展望 37
參考文獻 38
圖表 42
附錄 88
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