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作者(中文):鄧 鈞
作者(外文):Teng, Chun
論文名稱(外文):Development of Phase-Locked-Loop Based Signal Correction Method Applied on Linear Positioning System
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jen-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
Tsao, Che-Chih
外文關鍵詞:linear measurement systemsignal processing
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:230
  • 評分評分:*****
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以Simulink 環境進行訊號處理系統之暫態分析模擬,以離線處理的
LabVIEW 環境之FPGA 晶片並進行性能、即時性驗證,並與各廠牌
As industrial automation becomes widely used nowadays, prices of machine tools are natural to be decreasing for higher competitiveness. That is, for one thing, demands of higher accuracy and lower cost parts as feedback system in a machine are rising rapidly in following years. Without some key techniques, domestic suppliers still fall behind in offering such kind of products that are able to improve precision of feedback systems and additionally help suppliers stretch profit margins. In respect of magnetic encoder manufacturing, it has been proved that some domestic encoder-supplier has an ability to minimize the pole pitch deviation and unbalance magnetic field like other foreign manufacturers. Even though the qualities of locally made encoders are almost identical to those products other brands offer, it still exists a huge difference between the local made and the other brand-trusted measuring system in performance of resolution, measuring accuracy and tolerance so that it is limited to let market strategies go further with extended industrial applications.
This research focused on the development of real-time signal correcting applied on quadrature signals system such as magnetic and optical encoders. Considering the imperfection of signals in quadrature, amplitude deviation, phase shifts and random noises, which could cause inaccurate interpolation on fine, scale positioning, this approach of signal correction based on phase-lock-loop are designed to extract phases of a pair of input signals and regenerate the corresponding signals to alleviate uncertainty of position analyzing.
In a first place, regardless of real-time calculation error, a prototype of signal correction was constructed in Simulink to simulate the transient response of parameters modulation with real phase A and B data sampled from oscilloscope. In this process, optimal parameter self-adjustment mechanism was built to make a trade-off between time lag and noise reduction. Next, the verified construction was implemented in LabVIEW FPGA to test the performance of real-time compensation, system repeatability and noises reduction with different sensors applied. Experimental data indicated that the aim of increasing resolution and keeping nice repeatability as other brands’ products was reached through the proposed method.
摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 技術背景及產品現況 4
1.2.1 磁性編碼器現況 4
1.2.2 磁性編碼器量測原理 7
1.2.3 細分割(Interpolation)原理 12
1.3 文獻回顧 16
1.3.1 離線補償的訊號修正方法 16
1.3.2 在線補償的訊號修正方法 18
1.3.3 文獻結論 33
1.4 研究動機與目的 34
第二章 鎖相迴路(PLL)模擬架構與分析 35
2.1 前言 35
2.2 PLL演算架構 35
2.3 模擬實驗-電壓振盪器之敏感度調整 37
2.3.1 實驗目的 37
2.3.2 實驗設計 37
2.3.3 定頻訊號下調整KVCO-以100 Hz為例 38
2.3.4 模擬變頻訊號驗證 42
2.4 本章結論 42
第三章 PLL離線處理測試與分析 43
3.1 實驗目的 43
3.2 實驗設備 44
3.3 訊號頻率與前段濾波分析 47
3.3.1 實驗流程 47
3.3.2 實驗設計 48
3.3.3 實驗內容 51
3.4 頻率偵測機制建立與分析 58
3.4.1 機制建立 58
3.4.2 頻率偵測結果 60
3.5 本章結論 61
第四章 在線補償建立與性能驗證 63
4.1 在線補償架構建立 63
4.1.1 實驗設備 63
4.1.2 系統架構 66
4.2 各掃描速度下即時處理效能驗證 67
4.2.1 AMR模組搭配儀表放大器之輸出訊號及修正訊號比較 67
4.2.2 市售讀頭之輸出訊號及修正後訊號比較 72
4.3 抗干擾能力驗證 75
4.3.1 AMR模組經儀表放大器輸出及PLL濾波後差異比較 77
4.3.2 市售驅動器訊號與PLL濾波訊號比較 77
4.4 重現精度測試 78
4.4.1 量測氣隙0.1 mm 重現精度 80
4.4.2 量測氣隙0.2 mm 重現精度 80
4.4.3 量測氣隙0.3 mm 重現精度 81
4.4.4 量測氣隙0.4 mm 重現精度 81
4.4.5 量測氣隙0.5 mm 重現精度 82
4.4.6 重現精度結果整理 82
4.5 本章結論 84
第五章 結論及未來工作 85
5.1 結論 85
5.2 未來工作 88
參考文獻 89

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