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作者(外文):Shih, Ting-Sheng
論文名稱(外文):A Miniaturized Bubble-Actuated Cell Sorter
指導教授(外文):Liu, Cheng-Hsien
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Long
Chang, Hwan You
外文關鍵詞:Micro pumpDean flowLens-free imaging
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  • 點閱點閱:207
  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究分成微流體晶片系統及無透鏡投影成像系統,晶片包含微幫浦、聚焦模組及氣泡致動式分選。微幫浦利用電磁鐵以6.25Hz的頻率按壓驅動液體,能夠使其流速約等於1μL/min。聚焦部分利用同心圓結構產生彎管流效應,使細胞及微粒子在彎曲結構的最後聚焦在流道中間,當粒子大小為10μm,其聚焦效率約為70%。將聚焦部分和分選部分中間的流道拓寬,減緩流速讓後方的細胞特徵辨識變得更容易,當晶片的輸入流速為1μL/min時,在分選區域的粒子移動速度約為0.29mm/s。分選方式利用電磁鐵擠壓氣體通道,在主流道中形成氣泡,改變細胞或微生物粒子的行進方向。使用光源投射於載有細胞或微生物的分選晶片上,將其橫切面投影在CMOS影像感測器上,並把得到的影像送入微處理器(Raspberry Pi)進行影像處理,標記出細胞或微生物粒子的大小,再藉由鑑別結果來致動電磁鐵來達成細胞分選的效果。
In biological research and clinical medicine, we often need to analyze patients’ specimen such as urine and blood for detection of specific cells or bacteria. Recently, flow cytometry has been used widely for sorting. However, present flow cytometry presently available in the market is bulky and expensive. Owing to the advances in the micro-electromechanical systems and microfluidic technology, the miniaturization of the traditional large-scale equipment has been paid attention to. In this study, a miniaturized bubble-actuated cell sorter, which does not require sample preparation with lens-free projective system, is proposed.
This research is to develop an integrated system which comprises of a lens-free projective system and a cell sorter chip including micro-pump, focusing function and bubble-actuated sorting. The micro-pump chip actuates the liquid by using electromagnet with a frequency of 6.25Hz to press the chamber on chip. The flow rate of pumping is equivalent to 1μL/min by using a syringe pump. The focusing module consists of curved channel to achieve the focus function and equilibrium at the end of the curved channel. When using 10μm beads, the efficiency of focusing is around 70%. Increasing microchannel width slightly makes the flow rate slower between the focusing part and the sorting part. We achieved particle velocity on sorting area around 0.29mm/s under the flow rate of 1μL/min. The sorting part of microfluidic chip is pressed by electromagnet to form the bubble on main channel to change the direction of particles. The image which is captured by a CMOS image sensor is sent to the processor (Raspberry Pi) for the image processing to identify the size of cells. Then the electromagnet is actuated to form the bubble which helps to change direction of cells for cell sorting.
第一章 緒論 10
1.1 研究背景 10
1.1.1 微機電與微流體晶片 10
1.1.2 目前分選系統 11
1.1.3 無透鏡成像系統 14
1.2 研究動機 15
1.3 文獻回顧 16
1.3.1 集中排列技術 16
1.3.2 氣泡在微流體中的應用 17
1.3.3 微型分選晶片 19
1.3.4 無透鏡成像投影系統 21
1.3.5 微型幫浦 22
第二章 系統理論 24
2.1 微流體分析 24
2.2 彎管流效應 26
2.3 氣泡理論分析 28
第三章 晶片及系統設計 31
3.1 晶片設計概念 31
3.1.1 微幫浦設計 32
3.1.1 集中排列區域 34
3.1.2 細胞分選區域 35
3.2 晶片製程 37
3.2.1 晶片製作過程 37
3.2.2 黃光微影製程 38
3.2.3 微流道晶片製程 39
3.2.4 製程結果 40
3.3 系統設計 41
3.3.1 系統硬體架設 42
3.3.2 光源設計 43
3.3.3 影像軟體設計 45
第四章 實驗結果與討論 47
4.1 集中區域效果 47
4.2 粒子速度與輸入流速之關係 48
4.3 分選區域測試 50
4.4 微幫浦測試 51
4.5 無透鏡成像分選系統 52
第五章 結論與未來展望 54
參考文獻 56
附錄 59
V4L2完整流程 59
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